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The Penefit of Salience: Salient Accented but Not Unaccented Words Reveal Accent Adaptation Effects




In two eye-tracking experiments, the effects of salience in accent training and speech accentedness on spoken-word recognition were investigated. Salience was expected to increase a stimulus' prominence and therefore promote learning. A training-test paradigm was used on native German participants utilizing an artificial German accent. Salience was elicited by two different criteria: production and listening training as a subjective criterion and accented (Experiment 1) and canonical test words (Experiment 2) as an objective criterion. During training in Experiment 1, participants either read single German words out loud and deliberately devoiced initial voiced stop consonants (e.g., Balken—“beam” pronounced as *Palken), or they listened to pre-recorded words with the same accent. In a subsequent eye-tracking experiment, looks to auditorily presented target words with the accent were analyzed. Participants from both training conditions fixated accented target words more often than a control group without training. Training was identical in Experiment 2, but during test, canonical German words that overlapped in onset with the accented words from training were presented as target words (e.g., Palme—“palm tree” overlapped in onset with the training word *Palken) rather than accented words. This time, no training effect was observed; recognition of canonical word forms was not affected by having learned the accent. Therefore, accent learning was only visible when the accented test tokens in Experiment 1, which were not included in the test of Experiment 2, possessed sufficient salience based on the objective criterion “accent.” These effects were not modified by the subjective criterion of salience from the training modality.
机译:在两个眼动追踪实验中,研究了口音训练中的显着性和语音口音对口语识别的影响。预计显着性会增加刺激的重要性,从而促进学习。训练测试范例用于使用人工德语口音的德国本土参与者。显着性是由两个不同的标准引起的:生产和听力训练作为主观标准,口音(实验1)和规范测试词(实验2)作为客观标准。在实验1的训练过程中,参与者要么大声念出清晰的初始德语发音辅音(例如Balken,“ beam”发音为 * Palken),要么听德语单词,或者听预先录制的单词具有相同的口音。在随后的眼动实验中,分析了听觉上带有重音的目标词的外观。来自两种训练条件的参与者比没有训练的对照组更常将重音目标词固定。实验2中的训练是相同的,但是在测试期间,将与训练中的重音词重叠的规范德语单词作为目标单词(例如,与训练词 * <重叠的Palme-“棕榈树”)作为目标单词。 / sup> Palken)而不是带重音的单词。这次没有观察到训练效果。学习重音不会影响对规范字词形式的识别。因此,只有在不包含在实验2的测试中的实验1中的重音测试标记具有基于客观标准“重音”的足够显着性时,重音学习才可见。这些效果没有通过训练方式的显着性主观标准进行修改。



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