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Anticipated Emotions about Unintended Pregnancy in Relationship Context: Are Latinas Really Happier?




This study examined differences in women's anticipated emotional orientations towards unintended pregnancy by relationship status and race/ethnicity. Data from a prospective survey of 437 women aged 18-44 who intended no more children for at least two years were analyzed along with 27 in-depth interviews among a diverse sub-sample. Cohabiting women and women in a romantic relationship not living together were less likely to profess happiness (OR=0.42, p<.05, OR=0.25, p<.01, respectively), even when partners’ intentions/feelings were controlled. The most prominent factor underlying negative feelings was partners’ anticipated lack of engagement with the emotional, physical, and financial toll of unintended childbearing. Contrary to conventional wisdom regarding the “Hispanic paradox”, foreign-born and US-born Latinas were no more likely to profess happiness than non-Hispanic whites or blacks. Moreover, foreign-born Latinas whose survey responses indicated happiness often revealed highly negative feelings at in-depth interview, citing pressure to conform to sociocultural norms surrounding motherhood and abortion.
机译:这项研究通过关系状况和种族/民族来检验女性在意料之外的怀孕倾向上的差异。对来自437名18-44岁的女性的前瞻性调查的数据进行了分析,这些女性在至少两年内没有更多的孩子,并在不同的子样本中进行了27次深度访谈。同居的妇女和恋爱关系中不在一起生活的妇女自称幸福的可能性较小(OR = 0.42,p <.05,OR = 0.25,p <.01),即使控制了伴侣的意图/感觉。造成负面情绪的最主要因素是伴侣预期没有参与意外生育的情感,身体和经济损失。与关于“西班牙悖论”的传统看法相反,外国裔和美国裔拉丁裔比非西班牙裔白人或黑人更不可能自称幸福。此外,在调查中显示幸福的外国出生的拉美裔人,在接受深度采访时常常表现出高度消极的情绪,理由是要遵守围绕母性和堕胎的社会文化规范的压力。



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