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Determinants of Attitude toward the Public Health Spending and Its Relationship with Voting Behavior in the 2012 South Korean Presidential Election




This study aimed to identify the factors influencing South Korean voters’ attitudes towards increasing public expenditure on health and to identify whether the issue of healthcare expenditure influenced candidate choice in the 2012 Korean presidential election. The study used the data from a survey conducted by the Institute of Korean Politics at Seoul National University immediately following the 2012 presidential election. The survey was completed by a nationwide sample of 1,200 people aged 19 or over using a face-to-face interview method and proportional quota sampling based on sex, age, and region. About 44.3% of respondents had a positive attitude toward increasing public health expenditure. There was no significant difference by the candidate they supported (conservative Park Geun-hye or liberal Moon Jae-in). In particular, even 44.9% of conservative supporters agreed with more spending. Politically neutral respondents (OR = 1.76, 90% CI 1.22–2.54) and strong conservative party supporters (OR = 1.53, 90% CI 1.05–2.25) were more likely to support public health expenditure increase compared to strong liberal party supporters. Also, respondents who believed that the economic gap in the country was widening were 1.91 times more likely to support an increase in public health expenditures. However, the issue of health expenditure had no influence on voters’ choice of presidential candidates, and in particular no negative effect of choice of the ruling (conservative) party’s candidate. Our results should be interpreted with care; one possible reason for this lack of effect might be that constituents voted along partisan lines regardless of their attitude to the welfare issue; another possible explanation might be the success of the “left click strategy” of the conservative party. That is, the conservatives did not reject economic democratization or social welfare expansion. Further research should be done to explain why attitudes to health spending did not directly affect choice of candidate.
机译:这项研究旨在确定影响韩国选民对增加公共卫生支出的态度的因素,并确定医疗保健支出问题是否影响了2012年韩国总统大选的候选人选择。该研究使用了首尔国立大学韩国政治研究所在2012年总统大选后立即进行的一项调查得出的数据。该调查是通过在全国范围内对1200名19岁或19岁以上的人进行的面对面访谈方法以及基于性别,年龄和地区的比例配额抽样而完成的。约44.3%的受访者对增加公共卫生支出持积极态度。他们所支持的候选人(保守派朴槿惠或宽松的朴载仁)没有显着差异。特别是,即使是44.9%的保守派支持者也同意增加支出。与强大的自由党支持者相比,政治中立的受访者(OR = 1.76,90%CI 1.22–2.54)和强大的保守党支持者(OR = 1.53,90%CI 1.05–2.25)更有可能支持公共卫生支出的增加。另外,认为该国经济差距正在扩大的受访者,支持增加公共卫生支出的可能性是其1.91倍。但是,医疗保健支出的问题对选民对总统候选人的选择没有影响,特别是对执政党(保守党)候选人的选择没有负面影响。我们的结果应谨慎解释;缺乏效力的一个可能原因可能是,选民按照党派路线投票,而不论他们对福利问题的态度如何。另一个可能的解释可能是保守党的“左键点击策略”是否成功。也就是说,保守派没有拒绝经济民主化或社会福利扩张。应该做进一步的研究来解释为什么对医疗支出的态度不会直接影响候选人的选择。



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