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Mountain Pine Beetle Dynamics and Reproductive Success in Post-Fire Lodgepole and Ponderosa Pine Forests in Northeastern Utah




Fire injury can increase tree susceptibility to some bark beetles (Curculionidae, Scolytinae), but whether wildfires can trigger outbreaks of species such as mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) is not well understood. We monitored 1173 lodgepole (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Doug.) and 599 ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa Doug. ex Law) pines for three years post-wildfire in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah in an area with locally endemic mountain pine beetle. We examined how the degree and type of fire injury influenced beetle attacks, brood production, and subsequent tree mortality, and related these to beetle population changes over time. Mountain pine beetle population levels were high the first two post-fire years in lodgepole pine, and then declined. In ponderosa pine, populations declined each year after initial post-fire sampling. Compared to trees with strip or failed attacks, mass attacks occurred on trees with greater fire injury, in both species. Overall, a higher degree of damage to crowns and boles was associated with higher attack rates in ponderosa pines, but additional injury was more likely to decrease attack rates in lodgepole pines. In lodgepole pine, attacks were initially concentrated on fire-injured trees, but during subsequent years beetles attacked substantial numbers of uninjured trees. In ponderosa pine, attacks were primarily on injured trees each year, although these stands were more heavily burned and had few uninjured trees. In total, 46% of all lodgepole and 56% of ponderosa pines underwent some degree of attack. Adult brood emergence within caged bole sections decreased with increasing bole char in lodgepole pine but increased in ponderosa pine, however these relationships did not scale to whole trees. Mountain pine beetle populations in both tree species four years post-fire were substantially lower than the year after fire, and wildfire did not result in population outbreaks.
机译:火灾可能会增加树木对某些树皮甲虫(Curculionidae,Scolytinae)的敏感性,但是野火是否会引发诸如山松甲虫(Dendroctonus pokerosae Hopkins)等物种的暴发尚不清楚。我们在犹他州东北部的Uinta山区野火过后的三年中,在当地特有的山松甲虫的区域,对1173 lodgepole(Pinus contorta var。latifolia Doug。)和599 tankerosa(Pinus tankerosa Doug。ex Law)松树进行了三年的监测。我们研究了火灾伤害的程度和类型如何影响甲虫的侵袭,育雏和随后的树木死亡率,并将其与甲虫种群随时间的变化相关联。火烧后的头两年,山松甲虫的种群水平很高,然后下降。在美国黄松上,最初的火后采样后,种群每年都在减少。与带状或失败攻击的树木相比,这两种物种均在具有更大火灾伤害的树木上发生了大规模攻击。总体而言,黄松树对冠和胆的损害程度较高与较高的发作率有关,但进一步的伤害更有可能降低黑松树的发作率。在黑松中,攻击最初主要集中在火伤的树木上,但是在随后的几年中,甲虫袭击了大量未受伤的树木。在美国黄松上,每年主要袭击受伤的树木,尽管这些林分被更严重地烧毁并且没有受伤的树木。总的来说,所有的寄主植物中有46%的黄松和56%的美国黄松受到了一定程度的侵袭。笼状胆节中成年幼体的出现随茎松中炭黑的增加而减少,而黄松中则增加,但是这些关系并没有扩展到整棵树。火灾后四年,两种树种的山松甲虫种群都大大少于火灾后的一年,而野火并未导致种群爆发。



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