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Characterisation of zinc delivery from a nipple shield delivery system using a breastfeeding simulation apparatus




Zinc delivery from a nipple shield delivery system (NSDS), a novel platform for administering medicines to infants during breastfeeding, was characterised using a breastfeeding simulation apparatus. In this study, human milk at flow rates and pressures physiologically representative of breastfeeding passed through the NSDS loaded with zinc-containing rapidly disintegrating tablets, resulting in release of zinc into the milk. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry was used to detect the zinc released, using a method that does not require prior digestion of the samples and that could be applied in other zinc analysis studies in breast milk. Four different types of zinc-containing tablets with equal zinc load but varying excipient compositions were tested in the NSDS in vitro. Zinc release measured over 20 minutes ranged from 32–51% of the loaded dose. Total zinc release for sets tablets of the same composition but differing hardness were not significantly different from one another with P = 0.3598 and P = 0.1270 for two tested pairs using unpaired t tests with Welch’s correction. By the same test total zinc release from two sets of tablets having similar hardness but differing composition were also not significantly significant with P = 0.2634. Future zinc tablet composition and formulation optimisation could lead to zinc supplements and therapeutics with faster drug release, which could be administered with the NSDS during breastfeeding. The use of the NSDS to deliver zinc could then lead to treatment and prevention of some of the leading causes of child mortality, including diarrheal disease and pneumonia.
机译:使用母乳喂养模拟装置对从乳头保护罩输送系统(NSDS)进行锌的输送进行了描述,该系统是在母乳喂养期间向婴儿服用药物的新型平台。在这项研究中,母乳以生理上代表母乳喂养的流速和压力通过装载了含锌快速崩解片的NSDS,从而导致锌释放到乳中。电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法用于检测释放的锌,该方法不需要事先消化样品,并且可以用于母乳中的其他锌分析研究。在NSDS中体外测试了四种具有相同锌负载量但赋形剂组成不同的不同类型的含锌片剂。在20分钟内测得的锌释放量为负载剂量的32–51%。使用Welch校正的非配对t检验,两组组成相同但硬度不同的片剂的总锌释放量彼此之间无显着差异,P = 0.3598和P = 0.1270。通过相同的测试,两组硬度相似但组成不同的片剂的总锌释放量也无显着差异,P = 0.2634。未来锌片剂的成分和配方优化可能会导致锌补充剂和药物具有更快的药物释放,可以在母乳喂养期间与NSDS一起使用。然后,使用NSDS输送锌可导致治疗和预防某些儿童死亡的主要原因,包括腹泻病和肺炎。



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