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Personality Styles of German-Speaking Psychotherapists Differ from a Norm and Male Psychotherapists Differ from Their Female Colleagues




Variables pertaining to the person of the psychotherapist have been neglected in psychotherapy research for some time. Concerning personality in particular, however, research has mostly focused on its relation with the psychotherapist’s choice of method, or differences between the various major therapy approaches. That is, psychotherapists were compared to each other without specifying how exactly psychotherapists are in comparison to “ordinary people.” We wanted to know: Are there specific personality styles that distinguish psychotherapists from the norm? A sample of 1,027 psychotherapists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland filled out the short version of the Personality Style and Disorder Inventory (PSDI-S) via online survey. The PSDI-S is a self-report questionnaire that assesses 14 personality styles, partly related to the non-pathological equivalents of classifiable personality disorders. The psychotherapists were compared to a normative sample of 3,392 people of different professions. The results could be divided into three groups: (1) Large differences in four personality styles that might contribute to relationship skills and may enable psychotherapists to put their own personal opinion aside, show empathy and appreciation, open themselves to the emotional experience of the patient, and provide a trusting relationship. (2) Moderate differences in seven personality styles that are equally indicative of the professional social skills of the psychotherapists, i.e., they were neither submissive nor passive, not excessively helpful, but also not too self-assertive. (3) Hardly any or no differences regarding a charming (histrionic) style, optimism, and conscientiousness. Gender-specific results revealed that male psychotherapists differed from their female colleagues, but they did so differently than men and women in the normative sample do. The main limitations were that we relied on self-report and did not statistically control for gender, age, and education, when comparing to the norm. As a conclusion, German-speaking psychotherapists show personality styles that we interpret as functional for psychotherapeutic practice but this needs corroboration from studies that use different methods and measures.
机译:在心理治疗研究中,与心理治疗师相关的变量已被忽略了一段时间。但是,特别是在人格方面,研究主要集中在其与心理治疗师选择方法的关系或各种主要疗法之间的差异上。也就是说,在不指定心理治疗师与“普通人”相比的情况下,对心理治疗师进行了比较。我们想知道:是否有区分心理治疗师和规范的特定人格风格?来自德国,奥地利和瑞士的1,027名心理治疗师的样本通过在线调查填写了人格风格和疾病量表(PSDI-S)的简短版本。 PSDI-S是一份自我报告调查表,评估了14种人格风格,部分与可分类人格障碍的非病理性等值有关。将心理治疗师与3,392名不同行业人士的规范样本进行了比较。结果可分为三类:(1)四种人格风格的大差异可能会影响人际交往能力,并使心理治疗师可以抛弃个人观点,表现出同情和欣赏,对患者的情感经历敞开胸怀,并提供信任关系。 (2)七种人格风格的适度差异同样表明心理治疗师的专业社交技能,即他们既不顺从也不消极,也没有过多帮助,但也不太自信。 (3)在迷人的(历史性的)风格,乐观和尽责方面几乎没有差异。针对性别的结果表明,男性心理治疗师与女性同事有所不同,但与标准样本中的男性和女性不同。与常规相比,主要限制是我们依靠自我报告,没有对性别,年龄和受教育程度进行统计控制。结论是,说德语的心理治疗师显示出我们认为对心理治疗实践有效的人格风格,但这需要使用不同方法和手段进行研究的佐证。



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