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Effects of Direct Instruction and Strategy Modeling on Upper-Primary Students’ Writing Development




Strategy-focused instruction is one of the most effective approaches to improve writing skills. It aims to teach developing writers strategies that give them executive control over their writing processes. Programs under this kind of instruction tend to have multiple components that include direct instruction, modeling and scaffolded practice. This multi-component nature has two drawbacks: it makes implementation challenging due to the amount of time and training required to perform each stage, and it is difficult to determine the underlying mechanisms that contribute to its effectiveness. To unpack why strategy-focused instruction is effective, we explored the specific effects of two key components: direct teaching of writing strategies and modeling of strategy use. Six classes (133 students) of upper-primary education were randomly assigned to one of the two experimental conditions, in which students received instruction aimed at developing effective strategies for planning and drafting, or control group with no strategy instruction: Direct Instruction (N = 46), Modeling (N = 45), and Control (N = 42). Writing performance was assessed before the intervention and immediately after the intervention with two tasks, one collaborative and the other one individual to explore whether differential effects resulted from students writing alone or in pairs. Writing performance was assessed through reader-based and text-based measures of text quality. Results at post-test showed similar improvement in both intervention conditions, relatively to controls, in all measures and in both the collaborative and the individual task. No statistically significant differences were observed between experimental conditions. These findings suggest that both components, direct teaching and modeling, are equally effective in improving writing skills in upper primary students, and these effects are present even after a short training.
机译:以策略为中心的教学是提高写作技能的最有效方法之一。它旨在教给发展中的作家一些策略,使他们可以对写作过程进行控制。使用这种指令的程序往往具有多个组成部分,包括直接指令,建模和脚手架练习。这种多组件的性质有两个缺点:由于执行每个阶段所需的时间和训练量,使得实施具有挑战性,并且难以确定有助于其有效性的基本机制。为了解开为什么以策略为中心的教学有效的原因,我们探讨了两个关键组成部分的具体效果:写作策略的直接教学和策略使用的建模。将高中教育的6个班级(133个学生)随机分配到两个实验条件之一中,在该条件下,学生接受旨在制定有效的计划和起草策略的指导,或者没有策略指导的对照组:直接指导(N = 46),建模(N = 45)和对照(N = 42)。在干预之前和干预之后,立即通过两项任务评估一项学生的写作表现,一项任务是协作的,另一项任务是个人的,以探讨差异性的影响是学生单独写作还是成对写作。通过基于读者和基于文本的文本质量度量来评估写作表现。测试后的结果表明,相对于对照而言,在所有措施以及协作任务和个人任务方面,两种干预条件均具有相似的改善。实验条件之间未观察到统计学上的显着差异。这些发现表明,直接教学和建模这两个组成部分在提高高年级小学生的写作技巧方面都同样有效,即使经过短暂的培训,这些效果仍然存在。



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