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Discriminant validity diagnostic utility and parent-child agreement on the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in treatment- and non-treatment-seeking youth




The Screen for Child Anxiety and Related Emotional Disorder (SCARED) may be differentially sensitive to detecting specific or comorbid anxiety diagnoses in treatment-seeking and non-treatment-seeking youth. We assessed the SCARED’s discriminant validity, diagnostic utility, and informant agreement using parent- and self-report from healthy and treatment-seeking anxious youth (Study 1, N=585) or from non-treatment-seeking anxious youth (Study 2, N=331) diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), or comorbid GAD+SAD. Among treatment-seeking youth, the SCARED showed good diagnostic utility and specificity, differentiating healthy, comorbid, and non-comorbid anxious youth. Child-parent agreement was modest: healthy child self-reports were higher than parent-reports whereas anxious child self-reports were similar or lower than parent-reports. Less consistent results emerged for diagnostic utility, specificity, and informant agreement among non-treatment-seeking youth. Given the number of non-treatment seeking anxious youth (N=33), generalizability of these findings may be limited. Together, results suggest informants may provide distinct information about children’s anxiety symptoms.
机译:儿童焦虑症和相关情绪障碍筛查(SCARED)对于寻求治疗和不寻求治疗的年轻人,对检测特定或共病的焦虑症诊断可能有不同的敏感性。我们使用来自健康和寻求治疗的焦虑青年(研究1,N = 585)或未寻求治疗的焦虑青年(研究2,N)的父母和自我报告评估了SCARED的判别有效性,诊断效用和知情同意。 = 331)被诊断患有广泛性焦虑症(GAD),社交焦虑症(SAD)或合并症GAD + SAD。在寻求治疗的青年中,SCARED显示出良好的诊断效用和特异性,可以区分健康,合并症和非合并症的焦虑青年。儿童与父母之间的协议适度:健康的儿童自我报告高于父母报告,而焦虑的儿童自我报告与父母报告相似或低于父母报告。寻求治疗的青年人之间在诊断效用,特异性和知情同意方面的结果不一致。考虑到未寻求治疗的焦虑青年人数(N = 33),这些发现的普遍性可能受到限制。结果表明,线人可能会提供有关儿童焦虑症状的独特信息。



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