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Love matters: Exploring conceptions of love in Rwanda and Swaziland and relationship to HIV and intimate partner violence




Health risks such as intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV infection often occur within intimate sexual relationships, yet the study of love and intimacy is largely absent from health research of African populations. This study explores how women and men in Rwanda and Swaziland understand and represent love in their intimate sexual partnerships. In Rwanda, 58 in-depth interviews with 15 couples, 12 interviews with activists, and 24 focus group discussions were carried out during formative and evaluative research of the Indashyikirwa programme, which aims to reduce IPV and support healthy couple relationships. In Swaziland, 117 in-depth, life-course interviews with 14 women and 14 men focused on understanding intimate sexual partnerships. We analyzed these qualitative data thematically using a Grounded Theory approach. Participants described love as being foundational to their intimate sexual partnerships. Women and men emphasized that love is seen and expressed through actions and tangible evidence such as gifts and material support, acts of service, showing intentions for marriage, sexual faithfulness, and spending time together. Some participants expressed ambivalent narratives regarding love, gifts, and money, acknowledging that they desired partners who demonstrated love through material support while implying that true love should be untainted by desires for wealth. IPV characterized many relationships and was perceived as a threat to love, even as love was seen as a potential antidote to IPV. Careful scholarship of love is critical to better understand protective and risk factors for HIV and IPV and for interventions that seek to ameliorate these risks.
机译:诸如亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)和HIV感染之类的健康风险通常发生在亲密的性关系中,但是对非洲人群的健康研究在很大程度上缺乏对爱和亲密感的研究。这项研究探讨了卢旺达和斯威士兰的男女如何在亲密的性伴侣中理解并代表爱。在卢旺达,Indashyikirwa计划的形成和评估研究旨在减少IPV和支持健康的夫妻关系,对15对夫妇进行了58次深度访谈,对活动家进行了12次访谈,并进行了24次焦点小组讨论。在斯威士兰,对14位女性和14位男性进行了117次深入的人生历程访谈,重点是了解亲密的性伴侣。我们使用扎根理论方法专题分析了这些定性数据。参与者形容爱情是他们亲密性伴侣关系的基础。男女都强调通过行动和有形证据,例如礼物和物质支持,服务行为,表现出结婚意向,性忠诚和度过时光,可以看到和表达爱。一些参与者表达了关于爱情,礼物和金钱的模棱两可的叙述,承认他们希望通过物质支持展现爱情的伴侣,同时暗示对财富的渴望不应该破坏真正的爱情。 IPV具有许多关系,被视为对爱的威胁,即使爱被视为IPV的潜在解毒剂。认真的爱心奖学金对于更好地了解HIV和IPV的保护和风险因素以及寻求减轻这些风险的干预措施至关重要。



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