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Rodent Ultrasonic Vocalizations As Biomarkers of Future Alcohol Use: A Predictive Analytic Approach




Excessive alcohol consumption has a vast, negative impact on society. Rodent models have been successful in furthering our understanding of the biological underpinnings that drive alcohol consumption. Rodents emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) that are each composed of several acoustic characteristics (e.g., frequency, duration, bandwidth and power). USVs reflect neurotransmitter activity in the ascending limb of the mesolimbic dopaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmitter systems and serve as non-invasive, real-time biomarkers of dopaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in the limbic system. In the present study, we recorded spontaneously emitted USVs from alcohol-naïve Long-Evans (LE) rats and then measured their alcohol intake. We compared the USV acoustic characteristics and alcohol consumption data from these LE rats with previously published data from selectively bred high- (P and HAD-1) and low-alcohol (NP and LAD-1) drinking lines from studies with the same experimental method. Predictive analytic techniques were applied simultaneously to this combined data set and revealed that: (a) USVs emitted by alcohol-naïve rats accurately discriminated among high-alcohol consuming, LE, and low-alcohol consuming rat lines, and (b) future alcohol consumption in these same rat lines was reliably predicted from the USV data collected in an alcohol-naïve state. To our knowledge this is the first study to show that alcohol consumption is predicted directly from USV profiles of alcohol-naïve rats. Because USV acoustic characteristics are sensitive to underlying neural activity, these findings suggest that baseline differences in mesolimbic cholinergic and dopaminergic tone could determine the propensity for future alcohol consumption in rodents.
机译:过量饮酒会对社会产生巨大的负面影响。啮齿动物模型已经成功地加深了我们对驱动酒精消费的生物学基础的理解。啮齿动物会发出超声波发声(USV),每个发声都由几种声学特征(例如频率,持续时间,带宽和功率)组成。 USV反映了中肢边缘多巴胺能和胆碱能神经递质系统上升肢体中的神经递质活性,并且在边缘系统中充当多巴胺能和胆碱能神经传递的非侵入性实时生物标记。在本研究中,我们记录了从未饮酒的Long-Evans(LE)大鼠自发释放的USV,然后测量了其饮酒量。我们将来自这些LE大鼠的USV声学特性和酒精消耗数据与先前发表的数据进行了比较,这些数据是通过使用相同实验方法进行的研究中选择性繁殖的高(P和HAD-1)和低酒精(NP和LAD-1)饮水线。预测分析技术同时应用于此组合数据集,结果表明:(a)初饮酒精的大鼠发出的USV准确地区分了高饮酒,低耗氧和低饮酒的大鼠品系,以及(b)未来的饮酒量这些相同的大鼠品系可以从纯酒精状态下收集的USV数据可靠地预测。据我们所知,这是第一项表明直接从无酒精大鼠的USV资料中预测酒精消耗的研究。由于USV的声学特性对潜在的神经活动敏感,因此这些发现表明中脑边缘胆碱能和多巴胺能基调的基线差异可能决定了啮齿类动物未来饮酒的倾向。



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