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Assessing the efficacy of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) for mosquito control

机译:评估黑头fat鱼(Pimephales promelas)的灭蚊效果



Mosquitoes function as important vectors for many diseases globally and can have substantial negative economic, environmental, and health impacts. Specifically, West Nile virus (WNv) is a significant and increasing threat to wildlife populations and human health throughout North America. Mosquito control is an important means of controlling the spread of WNv, as the virus is primarily spread between avian and mosquito vectors. This is of particular concern for avian host species such as the Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), in which WNv negatively impacts fitness parameters. Most mosquito control methods focus on the larval stages. In North America, control efforts are largely limited to larvicides, which require repeated application and have potentially negative ecological impacts. There are multiple potential advantages to using indigenous fish species as an alternative for larval control including lowered environmental impact, decreased costs in terms of time and financial inputs, and the potential for the establishment of self-sustaining fish populations. We tested the efficacy of using fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) as biological control for mosquito populations in livestock reservoirs of semiarid rangelands. We introduced minnows into 10 treatment reservoirs and monitored an additional 6 non-treated reservoirs as controls over 3 years. Adult mosquitoes of species known to transmit WNv (e.g., Culex tarsalis) were captured at each site and mosquito larvae were also present at all sites. Stable isotope analysis confirmed that introduced fathead minnows were feeding at the mosquito larvae trophic level in all but one treatment pond. Treatment ponds demonstrated suppressed levels of mosquito larva over each season compared to controls with a model-predicted 114% decrease in larva density within treatment ponds. Minnows established self-sustaining populations throughout the study in all reservoirs that maintained sufficient water levels. Minnow survival was not influenced by water quality. Though minnows did not completely eradicate mosquito larvae, minnows are a promising alternative to controlling mosquito larvae density within reservoirs. We caution that careful site selection is critical to avoid potential negative impacts, but suggest the introduction of fathead minnows in reservoirs can dramatically reduce mosquito larva abundance and potentially help mitigate vector-borne disease transmission.
机译:蚊子是全球许多疾病的重要媒介,会对经济,环境和健康产生重大负面影响。具体而言,西尼罗河病毒(WNv)对整个北美的野生动植物种群和人类健康构成了越来越大的威胁。灭蚊是控制WNv传播的重要手段,因为该病毒主要在禽和蚊媒之间传播。对于禽类寄主物种,例如大鼠尾草(Centrocercus urophasianus),尤为关注,其中WNv对适应性参数产生负面影响。大多数灭蚊方法都集中在幼虫阶段。在北美,控制工作主要限于杀幼虫剂,这些杀幼虫剂需要重复使用,并可能对生态产生负面影响。使用本地鱼类作为幼虫控制的替代品有多种潜在的优势,包括降低环境影响,减少时间和财务投入方面的成本以及建立自给自足的鱼类种群的潜力。我们测试了使用黑头min鱼(Pimephales promelas)作为生物防治半干旱牧场牲畜库中蚊子种群的功效。我们将min鱼引入了10个处理水库,并在3年​​中对另外6个未处理水库进行了监控。在每个地点都捕获了已知能传播WNv的物种的成年蚊子(例如南方库蚊),而且在所有地点也都存在蚊子幼虫。稳定的同位素分析证实,除一个处理塘外,所有引入的黑头min鱼都以蚊幼虫营养级为食。与对照组相比,治疗池显示每个季节的蚊虫幼虫水平均受到抑制,模型预测的处理池中幼虫密度降低114%。在整个研究过程中,鱼在所有维持足够水位的水库中建立了自我维持的种群。 now鱼的生存不受水质的影响。尽管min鱼并未完全根除蚊虫幼虫,但min鱼是控制水库内蚊虫幼虫密度的有前途的替代方法。我们告诫谨慎的选址对于避免潜在的负面影响至关重要,但建议在水库中引入fat鱼可以显着减少蚊虫幼虫的丰度,并可能有助于减轻媒介传播的疾病传播。



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