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Heterogeneity in Community Size Effects: Exploring Variations in the Production of National Hockey League Draftees Between Canadian Cities




Previous research has explored ‘community size effects’ in a multitude of sporting and regional contexts and has shown that athletes are more likely to originate from small-medium population size categories, and less likely to originate from very small or large ones. However, it is not clear whether the production of athletes is homogenous within population size categories. Place of birth data were collected for all Canadian born hockey players drafted into the National Hockey League (NHL) from 2000–2014 from British Columbia (N = 192), Alberta (N = 218), Saskatchewan and Manitoba (N = 216), Ontario (N = 561), Quebec (N = 241), and the Atlantic Provinces (N = 74). To explore variations in the production of draftees within population size categories, proportions of productive cities, population mean (μ), population standard deviation (σ), as well as minimum/maximum values of the number of draftees were calculated for the different categories (<2,500; 2,500–4,999; 5,000–9,999; 10,000–29,999; 30,000–99,999; 100,000–249,999; 250,000–499,999; 500,000–999,999; >1,000,000). In addition, the number of draftees produced per 1,000 residents (i.e., yield) was calculated for each city within all categories. Results showed substantial intra-categorical variability in NHL talent development; moreover, heterogeneity in draftee production existed in various degrees across provincial regions of Canada. Intra-categorical variability suggests that a single homogenous community size effect may not exist for Canadian NHL draftees, and that future research may benefit from exploring other environmental constraints on athlete development such as income, population density, and proximity to local sport clubs.
机译:先前的研究在众多体育和地区背景下探讨了“社区规模效应”,并表明运动员更有可能来自中小规模人口类别,而不太可能来自非常小或庞大的人口类别。但是,尚不清楚在人口规模类别中运动员的生产是否同质。收集了2000-2014年从不列颠哥伦比亚省(N = 192),艾伯塔省(N = 218),萨斯喀彻温省和曼尼托巴省(N = 216)入选国家曲棍球联盟(NHL)的所有加拿大出生的曲棍球运动员的出生地数据,安大略省(N = 561),魁北克(N = 241)和大西洋省(N = 74)。为了探索人口规模类别内被征兵人数的变化,针对不同类别计算了生产城市的比例,人口平均数(μ),人口标准偏差(σ)以及征兵人数的最小值/最大值( <2,500; 2,500–4,999; 5,000–9,999; 10,000–29,999; 30,000–99,999; 100,000–249,999; 250,000–499,999; 500,000–999,999;> 1,000,000)。此外,还针对所有类别中的每个城市计算了每1,000名居民产生的征兵人数(即产量)。结果表明,NHL人才发展存在明显的类别内差异。此外,在加拿大各省的不同地区,受役者生产的异质性程度不同。类别内的变异性表明,加拿大NHL选拔对象可能不存在单一的同质社区规模效应,并且未来的研究可能会受益于探索对运动员发展的其他环境限制,例如收入,人口密度和与当地体育俱乐部的距离。



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