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Critical Peripheral Fatigue Thresholds Among Different Force-Velocity Conditions: An Individual-Based Model Approach




During high intensity exercise, metabosensitive muscle afferents are thought to inhibit the motor drive command to restrict the level of peripheral fatigue to an individual’s critical threshold. No evidence exists of an individual relationship between peripheral fatigue and the decrease in voluntary activation reached after prolonged all-out exercise. Moreover, there is no explanation for the previously reported large decrease in voluntary activation despite low metabolic stress during high force contractions. Thirteen active men completed two maximal intensity isokinetic knee extension tests (160 contractions) under conditions of low force – high velocity and high force – low velocity. Neuromuscular testing including maximal torque, evoked torque and voluntary activation, was done every 20 contractions. The exponential modeling of these variables over time allowed us to predict the stable state (asymptote) and the rate of decrease (curvature constant). For both high and low force contractions the evoked torque and voluntary activation asymptotes were negatively correlated (R2 = 0.49 and R2 = 0.46, respectively). The evoked torque asymptotes of the high and low force conditions were positively correlated (R2 = 0.49). For the high force contractions, the evoked torque and voluntary activation curvature constant were negatively correlated (R2 = 0.43). These results support the idea that a restrained central motor drive keeps peripheral fatigue under this threshold. Furthermore, an individual would show similar fatigue sensibility regardless of the force generated. These data also suggest that the decrease in voluntary activation might not have been triggered by peripheral perturbations during the first high force contractions.
机译:在高强度运动中,代谢敏感的肌肉传入被认为会抑制运动驱动命令,从而将周围的疲劳程度限制在个人的临界阈值上。没有证据表明,长时间的全力运动后,周围疲劳与自愿性活动减少之间存在个体关系。而且,没有任何解释说明先前报道的尽管在高力收缩过程中代谢压力低,但自发激活大大降低的原因。 13名活跃男性在低力量(高速度)和高力量(低速度)的条件下完成了两次最大强度等速膝关节伸展测试(160次收缩)。每20次收缩进行神经肌肉测试,包括最大扭矩,诱发扭矩和自发激活。这些变量随时间的指数建模使我们能够预测稳定状态(渐近线)和下降率(曲率常数)。对于高收缩力和低收缩力,诱发扭矩和自发激活渐近线均呈负相关(R 2 = 0.49和R 2 = 0.46)。高,低作用力条件下的诱发扭矩渐进正相关(R 2 = 0.49)。对于高力收缩,诱发扭矩与主动激活曲率常数呈负相关(R 2 = 0.43)。这些结果支持这样一个想法,即受限制的中央电动机驱动器可使外围疲劳保持在此阈值以下。此外,无论产生什么力,一个人都会表现出相似的疲劳感。这些数据还表明,自愿性活动的减少可能不是由第一次高强度收缩期间的周围扰动引起的。



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