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The embodied transcendental: a Kantian perspective on neurophenomenology




Neurophenomenology is a research programme aimed at bridging the explanatory gap between first-person subjective experience and neurophysiological third-person data, through an embodied and enactive approach to the biology of consciousness. The present proposal attempts to further characterize the bodily basis of the mind by adopting a naturalistic view of the phenomenological concept of intentionality as the a priori invariant character of any lived experience. Building on the Kantian definition of transcendentality as “what concerns the a priori formal structures of the subject's mind” and as a precondition for the very possibility of human knowledge, we will suggest that this transcendental core may in fact be rooted in biology and can be examined within an extension of the theory of autopoiesis. The argument will be first clarified by examining its application to previously proposed elementary autopoietic models, to the bacterium, and to the immune system; it will be then further substantiated and illustrated by examining the mirror-neuron system and the default mode network as biological instances exemplifying the enactive nature of knowledge, and by discussing the phenomenological aspects of selected neurological conditions (neglect, schizophrenia). In this context, the free-energy principle proposed recently by Karl Friston will be briefly introduced as a rigorous, neurally-plausible framework that seems to accomodate optimally these ideas. While our approach is biologically-inspired, we will maintain that lived first-person experience is still critical for a better understanding of brain function, based on our argument that the former and the latter share the same transcendental structure. Finally, the role that disciplined contemplative practices can play to this aim, and an interpretation of the cognitive processes taking place during meditation under this perspective, will be also discussed.
机译:神经现象学是一项研究计划,旨在通过对意识生物学的一种体现性和主动性的方法,来弥合第一人称主观体验与神经生理学第三人称数据之间的解释鸿沟。本提议试图通过对意向性现象学概念的自然主义观点作为任何生活经验的先验不变特征来进一步刻画心智的身体基础。在对超然性的康德定义的基础上,“超然性”是关于“对象的先验形式结构的什么”,并作为人类知识存在可能性的前提,我们将建议这种先验性核心实际上可能植根于生物学并且可以在对自生理论的扩展中进行了研究。首先,将通过检验其在先前提出的基本自生模型,细菌和免疫系统中的应用来阐明该论点。然后,通过检查镜像神经元系统和默认模式网络作为证实知识活跃性的生物学实例,并讨论所选神经系统疾病(忽视,精神分裂症)的现象学方面,进一步加以证实和说明。在这种情况下,卡尔·弗里斯顿(Karl Friston)最近提出的自由能原理将作为一个严格的,在神经上看来可行的框架进行简要介绍,该框架似乎可以最佳地适应这些想法。尽管我们的方法是生物学启发的,但基于我们认为前者和后者共享相同的先验结构的观点,我们将坚持住第一人称经历对于更好地了解大脑功能仍然至关重要。最后,还将讨论纪律性沉思练习对实现这一目标的作用,并讨论在这种情况下对冥想过程中发生的认知过程的解释。



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