首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research >The pathological and biochemical identification of possible seed‐lesions of transmitted transthyretin amyloidosis after domino liver transplantation

The pathological and biochemical identification of possible seed‐lesions of transmitted transthyretin amyloidosis after domino liver transplantation




The most serious issue in domino liver transplantation (DLT) using liver grafts from patients with transthyretin (TTR)‐related familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is the development of iatrogenic transmitted amyloidosis (de novo amyloidosis) in DLT‐recipients. However, little is known regarding the mechanisms of the initial stage of amyloid formation in these recipients. We detected initial lesions (possible seed‐lesions) of this iatrogenic amyloidosis in two recipients following liver grafting from FAP patients. Patient 1 underwent DLT at age 65 from an FAP patient with a Val30Met TTR variant and patient 2 received DLT from an FAP patient with a Val30Leu TTR variant at age 32. Patient 2 was started on diflunisal administration from 4 years after DLT. While neither patient had symptoms of FAP, small amyloid deposits were detected on the gastroduodenal mucosae 14 months and 12 years after DLT in patient 1 and patient 2, respectively. The amyloid was analyzed using a laser microdissection system and tandem mass spectrometry. Biochemical analysis indicated that the amyloid was composed mostly of variant TTR produced from the transplanted liver in both patients. In patient 1, wild‐type TTR amyloid was detectable in the duodenal mucosa obtained 2 years after DLT. This is the first study to successfully capture the pathological and biochemical features of initial‐stage amyloid lesions in DLT recipients. The findings clearly indicate that amyloid deposition can start by deposition of variant TTR followed by deposition of wild‐type TTR, and blocking of amyloid seed formation from variant TTR may be a key to prevent or delay the development of DLT‐associated amyloidosis.
机译:使用甲状腺素转运蛋白(TTR)相关的家族性淀粉样变性多发性神经病(FAP)患者进行肝移植的多米诺骨肝移植(DLT)中最严重的问题是DLT受体的医源性传播淀粉样变性病(从头淀粉样变性)。然而,关于这些受体中淀粉样蛋白形成的初始阶段的机制知之甚少。在FAP患者进行肝移植后,我们在两名接受者中检测到了这种医源性淀粉样变性的最初病变(可能是种子病变)。患者1在65岁时接受了具有Val30Met TTR变异体的FAP患者的DLT,患者2在32岁时接受了具有Val30Leu TTR变异体的FAP患者的DLT。患者2从DLT术后4年开始接受双氟尿酸给药。虽然这两名患者均未出现FAP症状,但DLT后14个月和12年分别在患者1和患者2中在胃十二指肠粘膜上检测到小的淀粉样蛋白沉积物。使用激光显微切割系统和串联质谱分析淀粉样蛋白。生化分析表明,淀粉样蛋白主要由两名患者的肝脏移植产生的TTR变异体组成。在患者1中,DLT 2年后获得的十二指肠粘膜中可检测到野生型TTR淀粉样蛋白。这是第一项成功捕获DLT受体初始淀粉样蛋白病变的病理和生化特征的研究。这些发现清楚地表明,淀粉样蛋白的沉积可以开始于变体TTR的沉积,然后是野生型TTR的沉积,而阻止变体TTR形成淀粉样种子的形成可能是预防或延迟DLT相关淀粉样变性病发展的关键。



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