首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Conservation Physiology >Impacts of environmental pressures on the reproductive physiology of subpopulations of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis) in Addo Elephant National Park South Africa

Impacts of environmental pressures on the reproductive physiology of subpopulations of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis) in Addo Elephant National Park South Africa

机译:环境压力对南非阿多大象国家公园黑犀(Diceros bicornis bicornis)亚群生殖生理的影响



Black rhinoceros are an icon for international conservation, yet little is known about their physiology due to their secretive nature. To overcome these challenges, non-invasive methods were used to monitor rhinoceros in two sections of Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa, namely Addo and Nyathi. These sections were separated by a public road, and the numbers of elephants, predators and tourists were higher in Addo. Faecal samples (n = 231) were collected (from July 2007 to November 2010) from known individuals and analysed for progestagen and androgen metabolite (FPM and FAM, respectively) concentrations. As biotic factors could impact reproduction, we predicted that demographics, FPM and FAM would vary between sections and with respect to season (calendar and wet/dry), climate and age of the rhinoceros. Mean FPM concentrations from pregnant females were seven times higher (P < 0.05) than samples from non-pregnant rhinoceros. Positive relationships were found between monthly temperatures and FPM from non-pregnant females (r2 = 0.25, P = 0.03) and the percentage of calves born (r = 0.609, P = 0.04). Although FAM peaked in the spring, when the majority of calves (40%) were conceived, no seasonal patterns in male androgen concentrations were found with respect to month of conception and parturition. Females in Addo had a longer inter-calving interval and were less likely to be pregnant (P < 0.05) compared with those in Nyathi. The biotic stressors (e.g. predators and more competitors) within Addo section could be affecting the reproductive physiology of the rhinoceros negatively. Enhanced knowledge about how black rhinoceros populations respond to environmental stressors could guide management strategies for improving reproduction.
机译:黑犀牛是国际保护的标志,但由于其神秘性,人们对其生物学知之甚少。为了克服这些挑战,在南非阿多大象国家公园的两个区域,即阿多和尼亚提,采用了非侵入性方法来监测犀牛。这些路段被一条公共道路隔开,在阿多,大象,食肉动物和游客的数量更多。从2007年7月至2010年11月收集粪便样本(n = 231),分析其孕激素和雄激素代谢产物(分别为FPM和FAM)的浓度。由于生物因素可能影响繁殖,我们预测人口统计,FPM和FAM在各部分之间以及在季节(日历和湿/干),气候和犀牛年龄方面会有所不同。怀孕女性的平均FPM浓度是非怀孕犀牛样品的平均FPM浓度的七倍(P <0.05)。非怀孕女性的月温度与FPM之间存在正相关关系(r 2 = 0.25,P = 0.03)和小牛出生百分比(r = 0.609,P = 0.04)。尽管FAM在春季达到顶峰,但大多数牛犊(40%)受孕时,并未发现受孕和分娩月份的雄性雄激素浓度的季节性变化。与尼亚提地区的女性相比,阿多地区的女性产犊间隔时间更长,怀孕的可能性更低(P <0.05)。 Addo部分内的生物应激源(例如掠食者和更多竞争者)可能会对犀牛的生殖生理产生负面影响。对黑犀牛种群如何应对环境压力的更多了解可以指导改善繁殖的管理策略。



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