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Differences in DBA/1J and DBA/2J reveal lipid QTL genes

机译:DBA / 1J和DBA / 2J的差异揭示了脂质QTL基因



Recent advances in mouse genomics have revealed considerable variation in the form of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among common inbred strains. This has made it possible to characterize closely related strains and to identify genes that differ; such genes may be causal for quantitative phenotypes. The mouse strains DBA/1J and DBA/2J differ by just 5.6% at the SNP level. These strains exhibit differences in a number of metabolic and lipid phenotypes, such as plasma levels of triglycerides (TGs) and HDL. A cross between these strains revealed multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in 294 progeny. We identified significant TG QTLs on chromosomes (Chrs) 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 19, and significant HDL QTLs on Chrs 3, 9, and 16. Some QTLs mapped to chromosomes with limited variability between the two strains, thus facilitating the identification of candidate genes. We suggest that Tshr is the QTL gene for Chr 12 TG and HDL levels and that Ihh may account for the TG QTL on Chr 1. This cross highlights the advantage of crossing closely related strains for subsequent identification of QTL genes.
机译:小鼠基因组学的最新进展表明,常见近交系之间单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的形式存在很大差异。这使得表征密切相关的菌株并鉴定不同的基因成为可能。这样的基因可能是定量表型的原因。小鼠品系DBA / 1J和DBA / 2J在SNP水平上仅相差5.6%。这些菌株表现出许多代谢和脂质表型的差异,例如甘油三酸酯(TGs)和HDL的血浆水平。这些菌株之间的杂交揭示了294个后代中的多个数量性状基因座(QTL)。我们在染色体(Chrs)1、2、3、4、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、16和19上鉴定出显着的TG QTL,在Chrs 3、9和16上鉴定出显着的HDL QTL。一些QTL定位到两个菌株之间具有有限变异性的染色体上,从而有助于鉴定候选基因。我们建议Tshr是Chr 12 TG和HDL水平的QTL基因,而Ihh可能是Chr 1上TG QTL的原因。该杂交强调了交叉密切相关的菌株对随后鉴定QTL基因的优势。



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