首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Korean Medical Science >Seroprevalence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgG among Healthy Young Adults in Basic Training for the Republic of Korea Air Force

Seroprevalence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgG among Healthy Young Adults in Basic Training for the Republic of Korea Air Force




This investigation enrolled 570 healthy young males gathered from all over the country for military service at the Republic of Korea Air Force boot camp. It confirmed RSV IgG seroprevalence by utilizing the enzyme immunoassay method just prior to undergoing basic training. The mean age of this study was 20.25±1.34 yr old. The results of their immunoassay seroprofiles showed that 561 men (98.4%) were positive, 2 (0.4%) were negative and 7 (1.2%) were equivocal belonging to the grey zone. It was confirmed that RSV is a common respiratory virus and RSV infection was encountered by almost all people before reaching adulthood in Korea. Nine basic trainees belonging to the RSV IgG negative and equivocal grey zone categories were prospectively observed for any particular vulnerability to respiratory infection during the training period of two months. However, these nine men completed their basic training without developing any specific respiratory illness.Graphical Abstract
机译:这项调查招募了来自全国各地的570名健康的年轻男性,他们在大韩民国空军新兵训练营服兵役。在进行基础训练之前,就通过酶免疫测定法确认了RSV IgG的血清阳性率。这项研究的平均年龄为20.25±1.34岁。免疫分析血清学结果显示,有561名男性(98.4%)为阳性,有2名(0.4%)为阴性,有7名(1.2%)属于灰色地带。可以肯定的是,RSV是一种常见的呼吸道病毒,在韩国成年之前,几乎所有人都遇到过RSV感染。在两个月的培训期间,前瞻性地观察到9名属于RSV IgG阴性和模棱两可的灰色地带类别的基础培训学员是否特别容易感染呼吸道感染。然而,这九名男子完成了基础训练,没有出现任何特定的呼吸系统疾病。



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