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What is in a Name? Parent Professional and Policy-Maker Conceptions of Consent-Related Language in the Context of Newborn Screening




Newborn bloodspot screening programs are some of the longest running population screening programs internationally. Debate continues regarding the need for parents to give consent to having their child screened. Little attention has been paid to how meanings of consent-related terminology vary among stakeholders and the implications of this for practice. We undertook semi-structured interviews with parents (n = 32), healthcare professionals (n = 19) and policy decision makers (n = 17) in two Canadian provinces. Conceptions of consent-related terms revolved around seven factors within two broad domains, decision-making and information attainment. Decision-making comprised: parent decision authority; voluntariness; parent engagement with decision-making; and the process of enacting choice. Information ascertainment comprised: professional responsibilities (including disclosure of information and time to review); parent responsibilities; and the need for discussion and understanding prior to a decision. Our findings indicate that consent-related terms are variously understood, with substantive implications for practice. We suggest that consent procedures should be explained descriptively, regardless of approach, so there are clear indications of what is expected of parents and healthcare professionals. Support systems are required both to meet the educational needs of parents and families and to support healthcare professionals in delivering information in a manner in keeping with parent needs.
机译:新生儿血斑筛查计划是国际上运行时间最长的人口筛查计划之一。关于父母是否需要同意筛查孩子的争议,辩论仍在继续。利益相关者之间的同意相关术语的含义如何变化以及其对实践的意义鲜有关注。我们在加拿大的两个省份与父母(n = 32),医疗保健专业人员(n = 19)和政策决策者(n = 17)进行了半结构式访谈。与同意有关的术语的概念围绕着决策和信息获取两个广泛领域中的七个因素。决策包括:上级决策机构;自愿性家长参与决策;以及制定选择的过程。信息确定包括:专业职责(包括信息公开和审查时间);家长责任;决定之前需要讨论和理解。我们的发现表明,与同意相关的术语有多种理解,对实践具有实质性影响。我们建议,无论采用哪种方法,都应用描述性的方式解释同意程序,以便明确表明父母和医疗保健专业人员的期望。需要支持系统以满足父母和家庭的教育需求,并支持医疗保健专业人员以符合父母需求的方式提供信息。



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