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The metabolic response of marine copepods to environmental warming and ocean acidification in the absence of food




Marine copepods are central to the productivity and biogeochemistry of marine ecosystems. Nevertheless, the direct and indirect effects of climate change on their metabolic functioning remain poorly understood. Here, we use metabolomics, the unbiased study of multiple low molecular weight organic metabolites, to examine how the physiology of Calanus spp. is affected by end-of-century global warming and ocean acidification scenarios. We report that the physiological stresses associated with incubation without food over a 5-day period greatly exceed those caused directly by seawater temperature or pH perturbations. This highlights the need to contextualise the results of climate change experiments by comparison to other, naturally occurring stressors such as food deprivation, which is being exacerbated by global warming. Protein and lipid metabolism were up-regulated in the food-deprived animals, with a novel class of taurine-containing lipids and the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, changing significantly over the duration of our experiment. Copepods derive these PUFAs by ingesting diatoms and flagellated microplankton respectively. Climate-driven changes in the productivity, phenology and composition of microplankton communities, and hence the availability of these fatty acids, therefore have the potential to influence the ability of copepods to survive starvation and other environmental stressors.
机译:海洋co足类对于海洋生态系统的生产力和生物地球化学至关重要。然而,人们对气候变化对其代谢功能的直接和间接影响知之甚少。在这里,我们使用代谢组学(多种低分子量有机代谢物的无偏研究)来检查Calanus spp的生理学。受世纪末全球变暖和海洋酸化情景的影响。我们报告说,与在没有食物的情况下孵育5天有关的生理压力大大超过了直接由海水温度或pH扰动引起的生理压力。与其他自然发生的压力源(例如食物匮乏)相比,这凸显了将气候变化实验结果与实际联系起来的必要性,而全球气候变暖加剧了食物匮乏。在食物匮乏的动物中,蛋白质和脂质代谢被上调,其中有一类新型的含有牛磺酸的脂质和必需的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸,在我们的实验过程中发生了显着变化。 pe足类分别通过摄入硅藻和鞭毛微浮游生物而获得这些PUFA。气候驱动的浮游生物群落生产力,物候学和组成的变化以及这些脂肪酸的可用性因此有可能影响co足类在饥饿和其他环境压力下生存的能力。



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