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Tracking natural and anthropogenic Pb exposure to its geological source




Human Pb exposure comes from two sources: (i) natural uptake through ingestion of soils and typified by populations that predate mining activity and (ii) anthropogenic exposure caused by the exposure to Pb derived from ore deposits. Currently, the measured concentration of Pb within a sample is used to discriminate between these two exposure routes, with the upper limit for natural exposure in skeletal studies given as 0.5 or 0.7 mg/kg in enamel and 0.5/0.7 μg/dL in blood. This threshold approach to categorising Pb exposure does not distinguish between the geological origins of the exposure types. However, Pb isotopes potentially provide a more definitive means of discriminating between sources. Whereas Pb from soil displays a crustal average 238U/204Pb (μ) value of c 9.7, Pb from ore displays a much wider range of evolution pathways. These characteristics are transferred into tooth enamel, making it possible to characterize human Pb exposure in terms of the primary source of ingested Pb and to relate mining activity to geotectonic domains. We surmise that this ability to discriminate between silicate and sulphide Pb exposure will lead to a better understanding of the evolution of early human mining activity and development of exposure models through the Anthropocene.
机译:人体内铅的暴露有两个来源:(i)通过摄入土壤来自然吸收,并且以采矿活动之前的种群为代表;(ii)由矿床中铅引起的人为暴露。目前,所测样品中铅的浓度用于区分这两种暴露途径,骨骼研究中自然暴露的上限为牙釉质为0.5或0.7μmg/ kg,血液为0.5 /0.7μg/ dL。这种对铅暴露进行分类的阈值方法无法区分暴露类型的地质来源。但是,Pb同位素可能提供一种更明确的区分来源的手段。来自土壤的Pb的地壳平均 238 U / 204 Pb(μ)值为c 9.7,而来自矿石的Pb的演化途径范围更广。这些特征被转移到牙釉质中,从而可以根据摄入的铅的主要来源来表征人的铅暴露,并将采矿活动与大地构造域联系起来。我们推测,这种区分硅酸盐和硫化物铅暴露的能力将导致人们对人类早期开采活动的演变以及通过人类世的暴露模型的发展有更好的了解。



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