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Nasal contribution to exhaled nitric oxide during exhalation against resistance or during breath holding




BACKGROUND: The concentration of nitric oxide (NO) is increased in the exhaled air of patients with inflammation of the airways, suggesting that this may be a useful measurement to monitor inflammation in diseases such as asthma. However, there have been concerns that exhaled NO may be contaminated by the high concentrations of NO derived from the upper airways, and that this may account for differences in reported values of exhaled NO using different techniques. A study was performed, with argon as a tracer, to determine the extent of nasal contamination of exhaled NO using different expiratory manoeuvres. METHODS: Exhaled and nasal NO were measured by a chemiluminescence analyser. Argon (4.8%) was delivered continuously to the nose. Gas was sampled from the posterior oropharynx and argon and carbon dioxide were measured by mass spectrometry at the same time as NO. RESULTS: During a single expiration against a low resistance and during breath holding there was no evidence for nasal contamination, whereas during exhalation without resistance argon concentration in the oropharynx was increased from 0.91% (95% CI 0.84% to 0.98%) in ambient air to 1.28% (0.9% to 2.24%, p < 0.0001) during a single breath or 2.37% (2.29% to 2.51%, p < 0.0001) during tidal breathing. CONCLUSIONS: Collection of exhaled NO in a reservoir during tidal breathing is likely to be contaminated by NO derived from the nose and this may underestimate any increases in NO derived from the lower respiratory tract in inflammatory diseases. However, with slow expiration against a resistance and created back pressure to close the soft palate, there is no contamination of exhaled air which then reflects concentrations of NO in the lower airways.

机译:背景:患有气道炎症的患者呼出的空气中一氧化氮(NO)的浓度增加,表明这可能是监测哮喘等疾病中炎症的有用方法。然而,人们担心呼出的NO可能被来自上呼吸道的高浓度NO污染,并且这可能解释了使用不同技术报告的呼出NO值的差异。进行了一项研究,以氩气为示踪剂,以确定使用不同的呼气动作对呼出的NO的鼻污染程度。方法:通过化学发光分析仪测量呼出气和鼻腔NO。氩气(4.8%)连续输送到鼻子。从口咽后部取样气体,并通过质谱法与NO同时测量氩气和二氧化碳。结果:在一次低阻力呼气和屏气期间,没有鼻污染的证据,而在没有阻力的呼气中,口咽中的氩气浓度从环境空气中的0.91%(95%CI 0.84%增至0.98%)。单次呼吸时达到1.28%(0.9%至2.24%,p <0.0001)或潮气呼吸时为2.37%(2.29%至2.51%,p <0.0001)。结论:潮气呼吸过程中在储气池中呼出的NO的收集可能被来自鼻子的NO污染,这可能低估了炎症性疾病中下呼吸道的NO的增加。但是,由于阻力的呼气缓慢,并且产生了闭合软pa的背压,因此没有呼出空气的污染,后者反映了下呼吸道中的NO浓度。



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