首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientific Reports >Chronic antidepressant potentiates spontaneous activity of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons by decreasing GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of L-type calcium channels

Chronic antidepressant potentiates spontaneous activity of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons by decreasing GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of L-type calcium channels




Spontaneous activity of serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) regulates mood and motivational state. Potentiation of serotonergic function is one of the therapeutic strategies for treatment of various psychiatric disorders, such as major depression, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, the control mechanisms of the serotonergic firing activity are still unknown. In this study, we examined the control mechanisms for serotonergic spontaneous activity and effects of chronic antidepressant administration on these mechanisms by using modified ex vivo electrophysiological recording methods. Serotonergic neurons remained firing even in the absence of glutamatergic and GABAergic ionotropic inputs, while blockade of L-type voltage dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) in serotonergic neurons decreased spontaneous firing activity. L-type VDCCs in serotonergic neurons received gamma-aminobutyric acid B (GABAB) receptor-mediated inhibition, which maintained serotonergic slow spontaneous firing activity. Chronic administration of an antidepressant, citalopram, disinhibited the serotonergic spontaneous firing activity by weakening the GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of L-type VDCCs in serotonergic neurons. Our results provide a new mechanism underlying the spontaneous serotonergic activity and new insights into the mechanism of action of antidepressants.
机译:背沟纹核的血清素能神经元(DRN)的自发活动调节情绪和动机状态。增强5-羟色胺功能是治疗各种精神疾病的治疗策略之一,例如重度抑郁症,恐慌症和强迫症。但是,对5-羟色胺激发活性的控制机制仍是未知的。在这项研究中,我们通过使用改良的离体电生理记录方法,检查了血清素神经自发活动的控制机制以及慢性抗抑郁药对这些机制的影响。甚至在没有谷氨酸能和GABA能离子输入的情况下,血清素能神经元仍会激发,而在血清素能神经元中阻断L型电压依赖性Ca 2 + 通道(VDCCs)会降低自然激发作用。血清素能神经元中的L型VDCC受到γ-氨基丁酸B(GABAB)受体介导的抑制,从而维持了血清素能缓慢的自发放电活性。长期服用抗抑郁药西酞普兰通过减弱GABAB受体介导的血清素能神经元L型VDCC的抑制作用来抑制血清素能自发放电活性。我们的结果提供了自发性血清素能活性的新机制,以及对抗抑郁药作用机制的新见解。



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