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Abundance and diversity of zooplankton in semi intensive prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farm




The present study was carried out on the seasonal abundance and diversity of zooplankton in a semi- intensive prawn farm of Bagerhat district from July to December, 2008. Plankton samples were collected by conical shaped monofilament nylon net (Plankton net) and Lugol’s solution was used for preservation. The zooplankton abundance was influenced by physico-chemical factors. During the study period 11 genera of zooplankton under 5 orders were recorded from the study ponds namely Copepoda, Rotifera, Cladocera, Ostracoda and Crustacean Larvae. Among all groups copepod was the dominant order. The percentages of Copepoda, Rotifera, Cladocera, Ostracoda and Crustacean Larvae in semi-intensive culture system were 54%, 28%, 12%, 4% and 2% respectively. But the genera Brachionus under the order of Rotifer was dominant among all other genera. Cyclops and Helidiaptomus under the order of Copepod were the 2nd dominant genera. Numbers of zooplankton species were recorded to be the highest in summer season and minimum at early winter season. Highest number of zooplankton found at the month of October. Total zooplankton shows significant positive relationship with water temperature ((r = +0.384), Dissolve Oxygen(r = +0.113), pH(r = +0.320), Free CO2 (r = +0.319), Alkalinity(r = +0.269), Hardness (r = +0.402) and negative relationship with Salinity(r = -0.486), Transparency(r = -0.693). The findings of the present study will help to improve the management strategies of shrimp culture system.
机译:本研究针对2008年7月至2008年12月在Bagerhat区一个半精养对虾养殖场中浮游动物的季节性丰度和多样性进行的。采用圆锥形单丝尼龙网(Plankton net)收集浮游生物样品,并使用Lugol溶液保存。浮游动物的丰度受到理化因素的影响。在研究期间,从研究池中记录了11种5阶以下的浮游动物,即Co足纲,轮虫纲,克拉德克拉纲,鸵鸟纲和甲壳纲幼虫。在所有群体中,co足类动物占主导地位。在半精养系统中,pe足类,轮虫,Cladocera,Osracoda和甲壳类幼虫的百分比分别为54%,28%,12%,4%和2%。但是,轮虫属下的腕足目属在所有其他属中占主导地位。 pe足目下的独眼巨人和Helidiaptomus是第二大优势属。据记录,浮游动物种类的数量在夏季最高,而在冬季初最少。十月份发现的浮游动物数量最多。总浮游动物与水温呈正相关((r = +0.384),溶解氧(r = 13 + 0.113),pH(r = 20 + 0.320),游离CO2(r = +0.319),碱度(r = +0.269) ,硬度(r = +0.402),与盐度(r = -0.486),透明度(r = -0.693)呈负相关,本研究的发现将有助于改善对虾养殖系统的管理策略。



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