首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>SpringerPlus >Sergei Prokofiev’s Children’s Pieces Op. 65: a comprehensive approach to learning about a composer and his works: biography style form and analysis

Sergei Prokofiev’s Children’s Pieces Op. 65: a comprehensive approach to learning about a composer and his works: biography style form and analysis

机译:谢尔盖·普罗科菲耶夫(Sergei Prokofiev)的儿童作品作品。 65:学习作曲家及其作品的综合方法:传记风格形式和分析



This article is written for the benefit of piano teachers and students, but can be of benefit to any music teacher or student. It is a case study using Prokofiev’s lesser known pedagogical work for the piano, which serves as an example of information gathering to apply toward a more effective method of instruction, which requires the teacher and student to exhaustively examine both composer and music in order to exact a more artistic, accurate performance.Much of the interpretation is based on Prokofiev’s own thoughts as expressed in his personal memoirs and from his most distinguished music critics, many of whom were his peers during his lifetime, while some is taken from common sources, which are readily available to teacher and student. It is my belief that it is possible to divine extraordinary interpretations, information and outcomes from common sources.As the student and teacher gather information, it can be used to determine what should be included in a performance based not only on the composer’s explicit directions, but also on implicit information that could lead to an inspired, original interpretation. It is written with the belief that music is more than the dots and lines on the page and that teaching and learning must be approached with that in mind. It is hoped that once teacher and student have completed this case study, the method will transfer to all future musical endeavors.


  • 期刊名称 SpringerPlus
  • 作者

    Peter Daniel Klein;

  • 作者单位
  • 年(卷),期 -1(3),-1
  • 年度 -1
  • 页码 23
  • 总页数 12
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种
  • 中图分类
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