首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Nutrition >Heat Treatment of Expressed Breast Milk Is a Feasible Option for Feeding HIV-Exposed Uninfected Children after 6 Months of Age in Rural Zimbabwe

Heat Treatment of Expressed Breast Milk Is a Feasible Option for Feeding HIV-Exposed Uninfected Children after 6 Months of Age in Rural Zimbabwe




In the context of a prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV program promoting exclusive breast-feeding (EBF) to 6 mo and offering HIV-PCR testing at ∼6 mo, we ascertained the feasibility of expressing and heat-treating (EHT) all breast milk fed to HIV-exposed, uninfected infants following 6 mo of EBF. Twenty mother-baby pairs were enrolled from a hospital in rural Zimbabwe. Research nurses provided lactation, EHT, and complementary feeding counseling through 21 home visits conducted over an 8-wk period and collected quantitative and qualitative data on the mothers' EHT experiences, children's diets, and anthropometric measurements. Mothers kept daily logs of EHT volumes and direct breast-feeding episodes. Mothers successfully initiated and sustained EHT for 4.5 mo (range, 1–11 mo), feeding 426 ± 227 mL/d (mean ± SD). By wk 2 of follow-up, children were receiving EHT and Nutributter-enriched complementary foods that satisfied 100% of their energy requirements. During the 8-wk follow-up period, no growth faltering was experienced [changes in weight-for-age, weight-for-length, and length-for-age Z scores = +0.03 ± 0.50; +0.77 ± 1.59; and +0.02 ± 0.85 (mean ± SD), respectively]. Stigma was not a major deterrent, likely due to a social marketing campaign for EBF that promoted EHT as a practice to sustain breast-feeding for all women. This study provides evidence that resource-poor rural women can initiate and sustain EHT given family and health systems support. EHT provides a strategy for improving the diets of HIV-exposed but uninfected children after direct breast-feeding has ceased.
机译:在预防艾滋病毒母婴传播的背景下,将纯母乳喂养(EBF)推广到6个月,并在〜6个月提供HIV-PCR测试,我们确定了全部表达和热处理(EHT)的可行性。连续6个月的EBF后,向暴露于HIV的未感染婴儿喂养母乳。津巴布韦农村的一家医院招募了20对母婴。研究护士通过在8周内进行21次家访,提供了哺乳,EHT和补充喂养咨询,并收集了有关母亲EHT经验,儿童饮食和人体测量学的定量和定性数据。母亲每天记录EHT量并直接进行母乳喂养。母亲成功地开始并维持EHT 4.5 mo(范围为1-11 mo),进食426±227 mL / d(平均±SD)。在第2周的随访中,儿童正在接受EHT和富含Nutributter的补充食品,这些食品满足其100%的能量需求。在8周的随访期内,没有出现生长迟缓的现象[年龄体重,身长体重和年龄长Z得分的变化= +0.03±0.50; +0.77±1.59;和+0.02±0.85(均值±SD)]。耻辱不是主要的威慑手段,这可能是由于针对EBF的社会营销活动促进了EHT的实践,以维持所有妇女的母乳喂养。这项研究提供的证据表明,在家庭和卫生系统的支持下,资源贫乏的农村妇女可以发起和维持EHT。 EHT提供了一种策略,可在停止直接母乳喂养后改善暴露于HIV但未感染艾滋病毒儿童的饮食。



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