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PDB2INS: bridging the gap between small-molecule and macromolecular refinement




The open-source Python program PDB2INS is designed to prepare a .ins file for refinement with SHELXL [Sheldrick (2015). Acta Cryst. C>71, 3–8], taking atom coordinates and other information from a Protein Data Bank (PDB)-format file. If PDB2INS is provided with a four-character PDB code, both the PDB file and the accompanying mmCIF-format reflection data file (if available) are accessed via the internet from the PDB public archive [Read et al. (2011). Structure, >19, 1395–1412] or optionally from the PDB_REDO server [Joosten, Long, Murshudov & Perrakis (2014). IUCrJ, >1, 213–220]. The SHELX-format .ins (refinement instructions and atomic coordinates) and .hkl (reflection data) files can then be generated without further user intervention, appropriate restraints etc. being added automatically. PDB2INS was tested on the 23 974 X-ray structures deposited in the PDB between 2008 and 2018 that included reflection data to 1.7 Å or better resolution in a recognizable format. After creating the two input files for SHELXL without user intervention, ten cycles of conjugate-gradient least-squares refinement were performed. For 96% of these structures PDB2INS and SHELXL completed successfully without error messages.
机译:开源Python程序PDB2INS旨在准备一个 .ins 文件,以便通过SHELXL进行完善[Sheldrick(2015)。 Acta Cryst。 C > 71 ,3-8],从Protein Data Bank(PDB)格式的文件中获取原子坐标和其他信息。如果为PDB2INS提供了四个字符的PDB代码,则可以通过Internet从PDB公共档案库访问PDB文件和随附的mmCIF格式反射数据文件(如果有)。 (2011)。结构,> 19 ,1395–1412]或从PDB_REDO服务器中选择[Joosten,Long,Murshudov和Perrakis(2014)。 IUCrJ,> 1 ,213–220]。然后可以生成SHELX格式的 .ins (细化指令和原子坐标)和 .hkl (反射数据)文件,而无需用户进一步干预,添加适当的限制等。自动。在2008年至2018年之间,对PDB2INS的23×974 X射线结构进行了测试,该结构包括可识别格式的1.7?Å或更佳分辨率的反射数据。在没有用户干预的情况下为SHELXL创建了两个输入文件后,执行了十个共轭梯度最小二乘优化周期。对于这些结构的96%,PDB2INS和SHELXL成功完成,没有错误消息。



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