首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology >Regional decreases in renal oxygenation during graded acute renal arterial stenosis: a case for renal ischemia

Regional decreases in renal oxygenation during graded acute renal arterial stenosis: a case for renal ischemia




Ischemic nephropathy describes progressive renal failure, defined by significantly reduced glomerular filtration rate, and may be due to renal artery stenosis (RAS), a narrowing of the renal artery. It is unclear whether ischemia is present during RAS since a decrease in renal blood flow (RBF), O2 delivery, and O2 consumption occurs. The present study tests the hypothesis that despite proportional changes in whole kidney O2 delivery and consumption, acute progressive RAS leads to decreases in regional renal tissue O2. Unilateral acute RAS was induced in eight pigs with an extravascular cuff. RBF was measured with an ultrasound flow probe. Cortical and medullary tissue oxygen of the stenotic kidney was measured continuously with sensors during baseline, three sequentially graded decreases in RBF, and recovery. O2 consumption decreased proportionally to O2 delivery during the graded stenosis (19 ± 10.8, 48.2 ± 9.1, 58.9 ± 4.7 vs. 15.1 ± 5, 35.4 ± 3.5, 57 ± 2.3%, respectively) while arterial venous O2 differences were unchanged. Acute RAS produced a sharp reduction in O2 efficiency for sodium reabsorption (P < 0.01). Cortical decreases are exceeded by medullary decreases during stenosis (34.8 ± 1.3%). Decreases in tissue oxygenation, more pronounced in the medulla than the cortex, occur despite proportional reductions in O2 delivery and consumption. This demonstrates for the first time that hypoxia is present in the early stages of RAS and suggests a role for hypoxia in the pathophysiology of this disease. Furthermore, the notion that arteriovenous shunting and increased stoichiometric energy requirements are potential contributors toward ensuing hypoxia with graded and progressive acute RAS cannot be excluded.
机译:缺血性肾病描述了进行性肾衰竭,其定义为肾小球滤过率显着降低,可能归因于肾动脉狭窄(RAS),即肾动脉狭窄。尚不清楚RA​​S期间是否存在局部缺血,因为会发生肾血流量(RBF),O2输送和O2消耗减少。本研究检验了以下假设:尽管整个肾脏O2的输送和消耗呈比例变化,但急性进行性RAS导致局部肾脏组织O2减少。八只猪带血管外套囊诱发了单侧急性RAS。用超声流量探针测量RBF。在基线期间,使用传感器连续测量狭窄肾的皮质和髓样组织的氧,RBF依次下降3次,然后恢复。在分级狭窄期间,O2消耗与O2输送成比例下降(分别为19±10.8、48.2±9.1、58.9±4.7和15.1±5、35.4±3.5、57±2.3%),而动脉静脉O2的差异没有变化。急性RAS使钠吸收的O2效率急剧降低(P <0.01)。狭窄期间,髓样减少超过了皮质减少(34.8±1.3%)。尽管氧气的输送和消耗成比例减少,但组织氧合的减少在髓质中比皮质更明显。这首次证明在RAS早期存在缺氧,提示缺氧在该疾病的病理生理中的作用。此外,不能排除动静脉分流和化学计量能量需求增加是随后发生缺氧,分级和进行性急性RAS的潜在因素的观点。



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