首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Advances in Cognitive Psychology >Emotional enhancement of immediate memory: Positive pictorial stimuliare better recognized than neutral or negative pictorial stimuli

Emotional enhancement of immediate memory: Positive pictorial stimuliare better recognized than neutral or negative pictorial stimuli




We examined emotional memory enhancement (EEM) for negative and positive pictures while manipulating encoding and retrieval conditions. Two groups of 40 participants took part in this study. Both groups performed immediate implicit (categorization task) and explicit (recognition task) retrieval, but for one group the tasks were preceded by incidental encoding and for the other group by intentional encoding. As indicated by the sensitivity index (dʹ), after incidental encoding positive stimuli were easier to recognize than negative and neutral stimuli. Participants’ response criterion was more liberal for negative stimuli than for both positive and neutral ones, independent of encoding condition. In the implicit retrieval task, participants were slower in categorizing positive than negative and neutral stimuli. However, the priming effect was larger for emotional than for neutral stimuli. These results are discussed in the context of the idea that the effect of emotion on immediate memory enhancement may depend on the intentionality to encode and retrieve information.
机译:我们在处理编码和检索条件的同时检查了正面和负面图片的情绪记忆增强(EEM)。两组共40名参与者参加了这项研究。两组均执行立即的隐式(分类任务)和显式(识别任务)检索,但是对于一组,任务之前是偶然编码,对于另一组,是故意编码。如灵敏度指数(d 1)所示,偶发编码后,阳性刺激比阴性和中性刺激更容易识别。与否和编码条件无关,参与者对否定刺激的反应标准比对肯定刺激和中性刺激更为宽松。在隐式检索任务中,参与者对积极刺激的分类要比消极刺激和中性刺激慢。但是,情绪刺激的启动作用大于中性刺激的启动作用。在情感对即时记忆增强的影响可能取决于编码和检索信息的意图这一思想的背景下讨论了这些结果。



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