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Homopolymeric tract heteroplasmy in mtDNA from tissues and single oocytes: support for a genetic bottleneck.




While mtDNA polymorphisms at single base positions are common, the overwhelming majority of the mitochondrial genomes within a single individual are usually identical. When there is a point-mutation difference between a mother and her offspring, there may be a complete switching of mtDNA type within a single generation. It is generally assumed that there is a genetic bottleneck whereby a single or small number of founder mtDNA(s) populate the organism, but it is not known at which stages the restriction/amplification of mtDNA subtype(s) occur, and this uncertainty impedes antenatal diagnosis for mtDNA disorders. Length polymorphisms in homopolymeric tracts have been demonstrated in the large noncoding region of mtDNA. We have developed a new method, T-PCR (trimmed PCR), to quantitate heteroplasmy for two of these tracts (D310 and D16189). D310 variation is sufficient to indicate clonal origins of tissues and single oocytes. Tissues from normal individuals often possessed more than one length variant (heteroplasmy). However, there was no difference in the pattern of the length variants between somatic tissues in any control individual when bulk samples were taken. Oocytes from normal women undergoing in vitro fertilization were frequently heteroplasmic for length variants, and in two cases the modal length of the D310 tract differed in individual oocytes from the same woman. These data suggest that a restriction/amplification event, which we attribute to clonal expansion of founder mtDNA(s), has occurred by the time oocytes are mature, although further segregation may occur at a later stage. In contrast to controls, the length distribution of the D310 tract varied between tissues in a patient with heteroplasmic mtDNA rearrangements, suggesting that these mutants influence segregation. These findings have important implications for the genetic counselling of patients with pathogenic mtDNA mutations.
机译:虽然单碱基位置的mtDNA多态性很常见,但单个个体中绝大多数的线粒体基因组通常是相同的。当母亲与其后代之间存在点突变差异时,单代中可能会完全交换mtDNA类型。通常认为存在遗传瓶颈,因此单个或少量的创始人mtDNA会在生物体内分布,但是尚不清楚在哪个阶段会发生mtDNA亚型的限制/扩增,这种不确定性会阻碍mtDNA疾病的产前诊断。均聚物中的长度多态性已在mtDNA的较大非编码区得到证实。我们已经开发出一种新的方法,即T-PCR(修剪的PCR),以量化其中两个片段(D310和D16189)的异质性。 D310变异足以表明组织和单个卵母细胞的克隆起源。正常个体的组织通常具有一个以上的长度变异(异质)。但是,在采集大量样品时,任何对照个体的体细胞组织之间的长度变异模式没有差异。正常妇女的体外受精卵母细胞的长度变异通常是异质的,在两种情况下,同一位女性的单个卵母细胞的D310通道的模态长度不同。这些数据表明,卵母细胞成熟时发生了限制性/扩增事件,我们将其归因于创始人mtDNA的克隆扩增,尽管可能在以后阶段进一步分离。与对照相比,患有异质性mtDNA重排的患者中D310束的长度分布在不同组织之间变化,这表明这些突变体会影响分离。这些发现对具有致病性mtDNA突变的患者的遗传咨询具有重要意义。



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