首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Novel Genetic Variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Anaplasma bovis Anaplasma centrale and a Novel Ehrlichia sp. in Wild Deer and Ticks on Two Major Islands in Japan

Novel Genetic Variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Anaplasma bovis Anaplasma centrale and a Novel Ehrlichia sp. in Wild Deer and Ticks on Two Major Islands in Japan




Wild deer are one of the important natural reservoir hosts of several species of Ehrlichia and Anaplasma that cause human ehrlichiosis or anaplasmosis in the United States and Europe. The primary aim of the present study was to determine whether and what species of Ehrlichia and Anaplasma naturally infect deer in Japan. Blood samples obtained from wild deer on two major Japanese islands, Hokkaido and Honshu, were tested for the presence of Ehrlichia and Anaplasma by PCR assays and sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes, major outer membrane protein p44 genes, and groESL. DNA representing four species and two genera of Ehrlichia and Anaplasma was identified in 33 of 126 wild deer (26%). DNA sequence analysis revealed novel strains of Anaplasma phagocytophilum, a novel Ehrlichia sp., Anaplasma centrale, and Anaplasma bovis in the blood samples from deer. None of these have been found previously in deer. The new Ehrlichia sp., A. bovis, and A. centrale were also detected in Hemaphysalis longicornis ticks from Honshu Island. These results suggest that enzootic cycles of Ehrlichia and Anaplasma species distinct from those found in the United States or Europe have been established in wild deer and ticks in Japan.
机译:野鹿是在美国和欧洲引起人类埃希氏菌病或厌氧菌病的几种埃里希氏菌和无形体的重要天然水库宿主之一。本研究的主要目的是确定日本的埃希氏菌和无形体是否自然感染了鹿。通过PCR测定和16S rRNA基因,主要外膜蛋白p44基因和groESL的测序,测试了从日本两个主要岛屿北海道和本州的野鹿采集的血样中是否存在埃希氏菌和无形体。在126头野鹿中的33头(26%)中鉴定出代表埃里希氏体和无形体四个属两个属的DNA。 DNA序列分析揭示了鹿血样中的新噬菌体菌株,新的埃里希氏菌,中央无形体和牛无形体。以前没有在鹿中找到这些东西。新的Ehrlichia sp。,A。bovis和 A。在本州岛的壁虱中也检测到中央。这些结果表明,在美国的野鹿和tick中已经建立了不同于美国或欧洲的 Ehrlichia 浆质物种的生长期。



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