首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Stem Cell Reports >RNA Profiling of the Human and Mouse Spinal Cord Stem Cell Niches Reveals an Embryonic-like Regionalization with MSX1+ Roof-Plate-Derived Cells

RNA Profiling of the Human and Mouse Spinal Cord Stem Cell Niches Reveals an Embryonic-like Regionalization with MSX1+ Roof-Plate-Derived Cells

机译:人类和小鼠脊髓干细胞壁ches的RNA分析揭示了MSX1 +顶板衍生细胞的胚胎样区域。



class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionThe adult central nervous system maintains neural stem cells in specific areas called niches (). The main stem cell pools are in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and in the hippocampus. A third stem cell niche is found in the adult spinal cord around the central canal in anamniotes, rodents, and humans (, , ). This niche originates from the embryonic neuroepithelium and forms the spinal cord ependymal zone (EZ) organized as a pseudo-epithelium. As in the brain, this stem cell niche is highly organized and contains stem and non-stem cells. Four different cell types, namely ependymocytes, cerebrospinal-fluid-contacting neurons (CSF-N), vessels, and long radial cells have been described in mice. In particular, the EZ presents a dorsal-ventral regionalization with long radial glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)+ cells in the dorsal part (). In contrast to brain, spinal cord ependymal cells slowly proliferate to self-renew (, ). In cultures, a fraction of these cells can also generate passageable neurospheres (i.e. clonal expansion of neural precursor cells) which can generate astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons after differentiation (). The identity of these neurosphere-forming cells in the EZ is still not completely clear as both GFAP+ and GFAP ependymal cells can behave as neural stem cells in vitro (, , , ). Recent single cell analysis has identified neurogenesis in the adult spinal cord (); however, whether these new neurons are derived from the EZ is not yet established. It has been known since 1962 () that the EZ can readily activate and produce new cells upon injury (). Depending on the lesion type and severity, EZ-derived cells can significantly contribute to the glial scar formation (href="#bib38" rid="bib38" class=" bibr popnode">Ren et al., 2017, href="#bib43" rid="bib43" class=" bibr popnode">Stenudd et al., 2015).In comparison with the brain niches, less is known about the adult spinal cord EZ. Reminiscent of the mouse niche, in human, ependymal cells around the central canal display immature features such as expression of NES (nestin), VIM (vimentin), and SOX2 (href="#bib7" rid="bib7" class=" bibr popnode">Becker et al., 2018). However, with aging the central lumen can disappear and the EZ is disorganized (href="#bib16" rid="bib16" class=" bibr popnode">Garcia-Ovejero et al., 2015). Multipotent neurospheres with a limited proliferation ability have been derived from the human spinal cord (href="#bib12" rid="bib12" class=" bibr popnode">Dromard et al., 2008) and using alternative culture conditions, href="#bib32" rid="bib32" class=" bibr popnode">Mothe et al. (2011) were able to maintain a sustained proliferation of multipotent human-derived neural stem cells.A detailed transcriptomic profiling of the human and mouse EZ is currently lacking. This would help us to understand the specificity and diversity of these cells as well as identify gene expressions and molecular pathways conserved between primates and rodents. It would also provide important insights into why, in contrast to anamniotes, mammalian ependymal cells cannot regenerate neurons after spinal cord injury (href="#bib7" rid="bib7" class=" bibr popnode">Becker et al., 2018).Here we provide a cellular and molecular resource for the mouse and human EZ based on RNA profiling, immunostaining, and fluorescent transgenic mice. This uncovered the conserved expression of 1,200 genes specifically expressed in the EZ, including 120 transcription factors (TFs). Unexpectedly, the EZ maintains an embryonic-like dorsal-ventral pattern of expression of spinal cord developmental TFs. New subpopulations of cells expressing specific genes were identified in the dorsal and ventral part of the EZ. In mice, dorsal ependymal cells were found to be derived from the embryonic spinal cord roof plate.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title”>简介成人中枢神经系统在特定区域(称为壁ches)维持神经干细胞。主要的干细胞库位于脑室下区(SVZ)和海马区。在羊水,啮齿动物和人类中,在中央管周围的成年脊髓中发现了第三个干细胞位。这种小生境起源于胚胎神经上皮,并形成组织为假上皮的脊髓上皮区(EZ)。就像在大脑中一样,这种干细胞小生境高度组织化,包含干细胞和非干细胞。小鼠中已经描述了四种不同的细胞类型,即表皮细胞,脑脊液接触神经元(CSF-N),血管和长放射状细胞。尤其是EZ表现出背腹区域,背侧区域长有放射状胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP) + 细胞。与大脑相反,脊髓室管膜细胞缓慢增殖以自我更新(,)。在培养中,这些细胞的一部分还可以生成可通过的神经球(即神经前体细胞的克隆扩增),这些神经球在分化后可以生成星形胶质细胞,少突胶质细胞和神经元。由于GFAP + 和GFAP 室管膜细胞在体外都可以像神经干细胞一样运作,因此在EZ中这些神经球形成细胞的身份仍不完全清楚。 ,)。最近的单细胞分析已经确定了成年脊髓的神经发生。但是,这些新的神经元是否来自EZ尚无定论。自1962年以来,人们就知道EZ可以很容易地激活并在受伤时产生新的细胞。根据病变类型和严重程度,EZ衍生的细胞可显着促进神经胶质瘢痕的形成(href="#bib38" rid="bib38" class=" bibr popnode"> Ren等,2017 ,href="#bib43" rid="bib43" class=" bibr popnode"> Stenudd et al。,2015 )。与脑ni相比,对成人脊髓EZ的了解较少。在人类中枢管周围的室管膜细胞中,让人联想到老鼠的小生境,它们显示出不成熟的特征,例如NES(nestin),VIM(vimentin)和SOX2(href =“#bib7” rid =“ bib7” class = “ bibr popnode“> Becker等人,2018 )。但是,随着年龄的增长,中央管腔可能消失并且EZ变得杂乱无章(href="#bib16" rid="bib16" class=" bibr popnode"> Garcia-Ovejero等,2015 )。具有有限增殖能力的多能神经球已从人的脊髓中衍生出来(href="#bib12" rid="bib12" class=" bibr popnode"> Dromard等,2008 )文化条件,href="#bib32" rid="bib32" class=" bibr popnode">其他。 (2011)能够维持多能性人类衍生神经干细胞的持续增殖。目前缺乏对人类和小鼠EZ的详细转录组分析。这将有助于我们了解这些细胞的特异性和多样性,并鉴定灵长类动物和啮齿动物之间保守的基因表达和分子途径。它也将提供重要的见解,以解释为什么与羊膜炎相反,哺乳动物的室管膜细胞在脊髓损伤后不能再生神经元(href="#bib7" rid="bib7" class=" bibr popnode"> Becker等人, 2018 )。在此,我们基于RNA分析,免疫染色和荧光转基因小鼠提供了小鼠和人类EZ的细胞和分子资源。这揭示了在EZ中特异性表达的1,200个基因的保守表达,包括120个转录因子(TF)。出乎意料的是,EZ保持了脊髓发育性TF的胚胎样背腹式表达。在EZ的背侧和腹侧部分发现了表达特定基因的细胞的新亚群。在小鼠中,发现背侧室管膜细胞来源于胚胎脊髓顶板。



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