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Role of serine biosynthesis and its utilization in the alternative pathway from glucose to glycogen during the response to insulin in cultured foetal-rat hepatocytes.




The role of serine as a possible intermediate of the alternative pathway from glucose to glycogen was investigated under basal and insulin-stimulated conditions in 18-day cultured foetal-rat hepatocytes because these cells cannot use pyruvate-derived metabolites [Bismut & Plas (1989) Biochem. J. 263, 889-895]. Incubation of cells with [U-14C]glucose for 24 h led to a release of labelled serine in the medium concomitantly with a net serine production (100 nmol/24 h per culture). The rate of [14C]serine formation (close to 3 nmol/h per culture) indicated that a large part of newly formed serine originated from glucose. When short-term experiments were performed at day 2, glycogen labelling from [U-14C]serine or [U-14C]glycine, which was increased 3-fold by insulin after 2 h, evidenced their participation as glycogenic precursors. When a double-isotope procedure with [U-14C,3-3H]glucose was used, the direct and the alternative pathways from glucose were found to contribute to glycogenesis by 75 and 25% respectively. Cycloserine (18 mM), a transaminase inhibitor, strongly inhibited glycogen labelling from [U-14C] serine while producing a 70% increase in glucose incorporation by the alternative pathway, in both the presence and the absence of insulin. The inhibitor had no effect on the direct pathway from glucose to glycogen. Supplementation with 1 mM-hydroxypyruvate, a serine-derived metabolite, did not affect direct glucose incorporation, whereas the alternative pathway was stimulated whether insulin was present or not. These results indicate that the sequence glucose----serine----glycogen is operative in cultured foetal hepatocytes. The alternative pathway interferes with hydroxypyruvate utilization, and is likely mediated by the serine aminotransferase pathway, independently of the acute glycogenic action of insulin.
机译:在基础和胰岛素刺激的条件下,对培养的第18天的胎儿大鼠肝细胞中丝氨酸作为可能的替代途径,从葡萄糖到糖原的中间途径进行了研究,因为这些细胞无法使用丙酮酸衍生的代谢物[Bismut&Plas(1989)生化。 J. 263,889-895]。用[U-14C]葡萄糖孵育细胞24小时,导致标记丝氨酸在培养基中释放,同时产生丝氨酸净产量(每次培养100 nmol / 24 h)。 [14C]丝氨酸的形成速率(每次培养接近3 nmol / h)表明,新形成的丝氨酸的很大一部分来源于葡萄糖。当在第2天进行短期实验时,来自[U-14C]丝氨酸或[U-14C]甘氨酸的糖原标记在2 h后被胰岛素增加了3倍,证明它们是糖原性前体。当使用带有[U-14C,3-3H]葡萄糖的双同位素方法时,发现来自葡萄糖的直接途径和替代途径分别促成糖生成,分别为75%和25%。 Cyclorine(18 mM),一种转氨酶抑制剂,在存在和不存在胰岛素的情况下,都强烈抑制[U-14C]丝氨酸的糖原标记,同时通过替代途径使葡萄糖掺入增加70%。该抑制剂对从葡萄糖到糖原的直接途径没有影响。补充1 mM-羟基丙酮酸(一种丝氨酸衍生的代谢物)不会影响直接葡萄糖的掺入,而无论是否存在胰岛素,刺激了替代途径。这些结果表明,葡萄糖----丝氨酸----糖原序列在培养的胎儿肝细胞中是有效的。替代途径干扰羟基丙酮酸的利用,并且可能由丝氨酸氨基转移酶途径介导,而与胰岛素的急性糖原作用无关。



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