首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Biophysical Journal >Oscillatory Switches of Dorso-Ventral Polarity in Cells Confined between Two Surfaces

Oscillatory Switches of Dorso-Ventral Polarity in Cells Confined between Two Surfaces




To maneuver in a three-dimensional space, migrating cells need to accommodate to multiple surfaces. In particular, phagocytes have to explore their environment in the search for particles to be ingested. To examine how cells decide between competing surfaces, we exposed single cells of Dictyostelium to a defined three-dimensional space by confining them between two planar surfaces: those of a cover glass and of a wedged microcantilever. These cells form propagating waves of filamentous actin and PIP3 on their ventral substrate-attached surface. The dynamics of wave formation in the confined cells was explored using two-focus fluorescence imaging. When waves formed on one substrate, wave formation on the other substrate was efficiently suppressed. The propensity for wave formation switched between the opposing cell surfaces with periods of 2–5 min by one of two modes: 1) a rolling mode involving the slipping of a wave along the nonattached plasma membrane and 2) de novo initiation of waves on the previously blank cell surface. These data provide evidence for a cell-autonomous oscillator that switches dorso-ventral polarity in a cell simultaneously exposed to multiple substrate surfaces.



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