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Amyloidogenic processing of the human amyloid precursor protein in primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons




The aim of this study was to investigate the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) in polarized primary cultures of hippocampal neurons. We have used the Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vector to express human APP695 in hippocampal neurons, sympathetic ganglia, and glial cells. The latter two cells secrete little or no APP, whereas hippocampal neurons secrete two forms of APP695, which differ in sialic acid content and in their kinetic appearance in the culture medium. In addition, rat hippocampal neurons expressing human APP produced significant amounts of the 4 kDa peptide beta A4. After 3 hr of metabolic labeling, the relative amount of beta A4 peptide to total cellular APP was 5.3%. Fibroblasts expressing APP695 using the same SFV vector mainly produced a related 3 kDa p3 peptide, a nonamyloidogenic fragment. Remarkably, the hippocampal neurons also produced significant amounts of beta A4-containing C-terminal fragments (10–12 kDa) intracellularly. Radiosequencing showed that these fragments were created at a previously described beta-secretase cleavage site and at a cleavage site 12 residues from the N terminus of the beta A4 domain (Thr584 of APP695), which we named delta-cleavage. Based on the observation that mature hippocampal neurons produce two potentially amyloidogenic fragments and secrete substantial amounts of beta A4 when expressing human APP, our results strengthen the hypothesis that neurons play a central role in the process of beta A4 deposition in cases of Alzheimer's disease and in aged primates.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究海马神经元极化原代培养物中淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)的蛋白水解过程。我们已使用Semliki森林病毒(SFV)载体在海马神经元,交感神经节和神经胶质细胞中表达人类APP695。后两个细胞几乎不分泌或不分泌APP,而海马神经元则分泌两种形式的APP695,其唾液酸含量及其在培养基中的动力学外观不同。另外,表达人APP的大鼠海马神经元产生大量的4kDa肽βA4。代谢标记3小时后,βA4肽相对于总细胞APP的相对量为5.3%。使用相同的SFV载体表达APP695的成纤维细胞主要产生相关的3 kDa p3肽,这是非淀粉样蛋白生成的片段。值得注意的是,海马神经元还在细胞内产生了大量的含βA4的C末端片段(10-12 kDa)。放射测序表明,这些片段是在先前描述的β-分泌酶切割位点和一个切割位点处产生的,该切割位点来自βA4域N末端的12个残基(APP695的Thr584),我们将其命名为δ切割。基于观察到,成熟的海马神经元在表达人类APP时会产生两个潜在的淀粉样蛋白生成片段,并分泌大量的βA4,我们的结果加强了这样的假设:神经元在阿尔茨海默氏病和非霍奇金淋巴瘤病例中在βA4沉积过程中起着核心作用。灵长类动物。



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