首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Physical Therapy Science >The role of physical therapists in introducing assistive products for thehome-bound elderly disabled

The role of physical therapists in introducing assistive products for thehome-bound elderly disabled




[Purpose] This study explored the roles of physical therapists (PTs) in introducing assistive products, which are essential for living securely and stably at home, and examined how PTs can fulfill these roles more efficiently and effectively. [Subjects and Methods] A questionnaire on introducing assistive products was administered to PTs working at randomly selected hospitals, health-care facilities for the elderly requiring long-term care, home-visit nursing stations, and other such facilities and to PTs providing physical therapy directly to the home-bound elderly disabled. The subjects of the study were 77 PTs who returned valid responses. [Results] For awareness of systems for assistive product’s introduction, PTs were more aware of the system based on the Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance Act than the system based on the Act on Welfare for the Home-Bound Elderly Disabled. For PTs handling assistive product’s introduction for the home-bound elderly disabled, approximately 91% of the respondents answered that they had handled some cases of assistive product’s introduction, and PTs with longer clinical experience had handled more assistive product’s introduction cases. [Conclusion] The results demonstrated that PTs understand the work involved in introducing assistive products work well and that they handle it. The results, however, also suggested that educational and operational improvements are urgently required for PTs introducing assistive products essential forthe lives of the home-bound elderly disabled.
机译:[目的]本研究探讨了物理治疗师(PT)在介绍辅助产品中的作用,这些产品对于在家中安全稳定地生活至关重要,并研究了PT如何能够更有效地发挥这些作用。 [对象和方法]向在随机选择的医院工作的PT,需要长期护理的老人保健设施,家庭护理站等设施以及提供物理治疗的PT发放了有关引入辅助产品的问卷。直接给家中伤残的老人。该研究的受试者为77位PT,他们返回了有效的答案。 [结果]为了使人们了解辅助产品的引入系统,与基于《家庭受困老年人福利法》的系统相比,PTs更了解基于《长期护理(LTC)保险法》的系统。对于为在家中的老年人残障人士提供辅助产品介绍的PT,大约91%的受访者回答他们已经处理了一些辅助产品介绍案例,而具有较长临床经验的PT处理了更多辅助产品介绍案例。 [结论]结果表明,PT理解引入辅助产品的工作效果很好,并且他们能够处理。但是,结果还表明,PT迫切需要在教育和操作上进行改进,以引入对人体至关重要的辅助产品。在家中老年人的生活残障。



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