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Comments on: Interpretation of genome-wide infinium methylation data from ligated DNA in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded paired tumor and normal tissue




BMC Research Notes recently published a research article regarding the use of ligated DNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue on the Illumina Infinium methylation platform - “Interpretation of genome-wide infinium methylation data from ligated DNA in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded paired tumor and normal tissue” Jasmine et al. BMC Research Notes 2012, >5:117. This article repeatedly refers to our previous work and concludes that methylation data obtained from ligated FFPE extracted DNA should be used with great caution. In this Discussion we review the data analysis performed in Jasmine et al’s paper and suggest limitations which subsequently lead the authors to draw what we believe are incorrect conclusions. Moreover, we continue to analyse genome-wide methylation data from DNA extracted from FFPE tissue successfully on both the HumMeth27 and 450 K arrays.
机译:BMC研究说明最近发表了一篇有关在Illumina Infinium甲基化平台上使用从福尔马林固定石蜡包埋(FFPE)组织提取的连接DNA的研究文章-“从福尔马林固定石蜡中的连接DNA解释全基因组全甲基甲基化数据。包埋的配对肿瘤和正常组织”,Jasmine等。 BMC Research Notes 2012,> 5 :117。本文反复提及我们以前的工作,并得出结论,应谨慎使用从连接的FFPE提取的DNA中获得的甲基化数据。在本次讨论中,我们回顾了Jasmine等人的论文中进行的数据分析,并提出了局限性,这些局限性随后导致作者得出我们认为是错误结论的结论。此外,我们继续在HumMeth27和450 K阵列上成功地分析了从FFPE组织提取的DNA中获得的全基因组甲基化数据。



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