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Cytological maps of lampbrush chromosomes of European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) from the Eastern Ukraine

机译:乌克兰东部欧洲水蛙(Pelophylax esculentus复杂)的画笔染色体的细胞学图



BackgroundHybridogenesis (hemiclonal inheritance) is a kind of clonal reproduction in which hybrids between parental species are reproduced by crossing with one of the parental species. European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) represent an appropriate model for studying interspecies hybridization, processes of hemiclonal inheritance and polyploidization. P. esculentus complex consists of two parental species, P. ridibundus (the lake frog) and P. lessonae (the pool frog), and their hybridogenetic hybrid – P. esculentus (the edible frog). Parental and hybrid frogs can reproduce syntopically and form hemiclonal population systems. For studying mechanisms underlying the maintenance of water frog population systems it is required to characterize the karyotypes transmitted in gametes of parental and different hybrid animals of both sexes.
机译:背景技术杂交发生(半克隆遗传)是一种克隆繁殖,其中通过与亲本物种之一杂交来繁殖亲本物种之间的杂种。欧洲水蛙(Pelophylax esculentus complex)是研究种间杂交,半殖民地遗传和多倍体化过程的合适模型。 P. esculentus复合体由两个亲代种组成,即P. ridibundus(湖蛙)和L.lessonae(池蛙),以及它们的杂种-P。esculentus(可食用青蛙)。亲子和杂种青蛙可以复制繁殖并形成半殖民地种群系统。为了研究维持水蛙种群系统基础的机制,需要表征在父母和不同性别的杂种动物的配子中传递的核型。



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