首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Cancer >Unchanged incidence and increased survival in children with neuroblastoma in Denmark 1981–2000: a population-based study

Unchanged incidence and increased survival in children with neuroblastoma in Denmark 1981–2000: a population-based study




Treatment results for neuroblastoma in Denmark have been poorer than in other Nordic countries, so we investigated whether a change in incidence, stage distribution and survival had occurred between 1981 and 2000. Clinical data were retrieved from the medical charts of 160 children <15 years of age with extra-cranial neuroblastoma (n=139) or ganglioneuroblastoma (n=21) diagnosed in Denmark between 1981 and 2000. The minimal follow-up time was 52 months. Statistical analyses were performed in STATA. The incidence was 8.55 per million children below 15 years of age (world standard 9.6) and 42.6 per million children below 12 months of age, and it has remained unchanged since 1970. The median age at diagnosis was 27 months. In all, 32% of the children were aged below 12 months at diagnosis, 53% had metastatic disease and in 12% the diagnosis was made incidentally. Prognostic factors such as age, stage and site of primary tumour were the same as in other studies and did not change. During the study period, the mortality rate decreased steadily, and the 5-year survival rate increased from 38% in 1981–1985 to 59% in 1996–2000, corresponding to the level found in other Western countries. Increased survival was also seen in children with metastatic disease. Participation in international studies, better supportive care and possibly postoperative autologous stem cell transplantation may have contributed to the increased survival.
机译:丹麦对神经母细胞瘤的治疗效果比北欧其他国家差,因此,我们调查了1981年至2000年之间是否发生了发病率,分期分布和生存率的变化。临床数据来自160例15岁以下儿童的医学图表。在1981年至2000年间,丹麦诊断出患有颅外神经母细胞瘤(n = 139)或神经节神经母细胞瘤(n = 21)的年龄。最小随访时间为52个月。在STATA中进行统计分析。发病率为每15岁以下的儿童8.55(世界标准9.6)和每12个月以下的42.6(42.6),自1970年以来一直保持不变。诊断时的平均年龄为27个月。总计,有32%的儿童在诊断时年龄在12个月以下,53%的患者患有转移性疾病,在12%的患者中,诊断是偶然发生的。原发肿瘤的年龄,分期和部位等预后因素与其他研究相同,并且没有变化。在研究期间,死亡率稳步下降,其5年生存率从1981–1985年的38%增加到1996–2000年的59%,与其他西方国家的水平相当。转移性疾病儿童的存活率也有所提高。参与国际研究,更好的支持治疗以及术后自体干细胞移植可能有助于提高生存率。



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