首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Human postural sway results from frequent ballistic bias impulses by soleus and gastrocnemius

Human postural sway results from frequent ballistic bias impulses by soleus and gastrocnemius




It has been widely assumed for nearly a century, that postural muscles operate in a spring-like manner and that muscle length signals joint angle (the mechano-reflex mechanism). Here we employ automated analysis of ultrasound images to resolve calf muscle (soleus and gastrocnemius) length changes as small as 10 μm in standing subjects. Previously, we have used balancing of a real inverted pendulum to make predictions about human standing. Here we test and confirm these predictions on 10 subjects standing quietly. We show that on average the calf muscles are actively adjusted 2.6 times per second and 2.8 times per unidirectional sway of the body centre of mass (CoM). These alternating, small (30–300 µm) movements provide impulsive, ballistic regulation of CoM movement. The timing and pattern of these adjustments are consistent with multisensory integration of all information regarding motion of the CoM, pattern recognition, prediction and planning using internal models and are not consistent with control solely by local reflexes. Because the system is unstable, errors in stabilization provide a perturbation which grows into a sway which has to be reacted to and corrected. Sagittal sway results from this impulsive control of calf muscle activity rather than internal sources (e.g. the heart, breathing). This process is quite unlike the mechano-reflex paradigm. We suggest that standing is a skilled, trial and error activity that improves with experience and is automated (possibly by the cerebellum). These results complement and extend our recent demonstration that paradoxical muscle movements are the norm in human standing.
机译:近一个世纪以来,人们普遍认为姿势性肌肉会像弹簧一样运作,而肌肉的长度会发出关节角度的信号(机械反射机制)。在这里,我们采用超声图像的自动分析来解决站立受试者小腿肌肉(比目鱼肌和腓肠肌)的长度变化小至10μm的问题。以前,我们使用真实倒立摆的平衡来预测人类的站立状态。在这里,我们测试并确认了对安静站立的10个对象的这些预测。我们显示,平均而言,小腿肌肉的主动调整速度为身体质心(CoM)的每秒2.6次和每次单向摇摆2.8次。这些交替的小(30-300 µm)运动提供了对CoM运动的脉冲弹道调节。这些调整的时间和模式与所有有关CoM运动,模式识别,使用内部模型的预测和计划的信息的多传感器集成一致,并且与仅通过局部反射进行的控制不一致。因为系统不稳定,所以稳定误差会产生扰动,该扰动会发展成摇摆,必须对此做出反应并加以纠正。矢状摇摆是由对小腿肌肉活动的冲动控制而不是内部来源(例如心脏,呼吸)引起的。此过程与机械反射范例完全不同。我们建议,站立是一项熟练的,反复试验的活动,会随着经验的增加而提高,并且是自动化的(可能是小脑)。这些结果补充并扩展了我们最近的论证,即反常的肌肉运动是人类站立时的常态。



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