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Backhoe-assisted monolith method for plant root phenotyping under upland conditions




Root system architecture (RSA) is one of the most important traits determining water and nutrient availability for plants. Modification of RSA is known to be a useful approach for improving root performance of crops. However, for conducting root phenotyping, there are few alternatives for the rapid collection of root samples from a constant soil volume. In this report, we propose a rapid root-sampling method, which uses a steel cylinder known as round monolith and backhoes to reduce the physical effort. The monolith was set on the ground surrounding individual rice plants and vertically driven back by a backhoe. Soil samples with 20 cm width and 25 cm depth were excavated by the monolith, from which root samples were then isolated. This backhoe-assisted monolith method requires at most five minutes to collect root samples from one plant. Using this method, we quantified the root traits of three rice lines, reported to form different types of root system such as shallow-, intermediate-, and deep-roots, using a root image analysis software. The data obtained through this method, which showed the same trend as previously reported, clearly demonstrated that this method is useful for quantitative evaluation of roots in the soil.
机译:根系体系结构(RSA)是决定植物水分和养分利用率的最重要特征之一。已知对RSA进行修饰是改善作物根系表现的有用方法。但是,对于进行根表型分析,几乎没有其他方法可以从恒定的土壤体积中快速收集根样品。在本报告中,我们提出了一种快速的根采样方法,该方法使用称为圆形整料和反铲的钢瓶来减少体力劳动。整体物被放置在单个水稻植物周围的地面上,并由反铲垂直驱动返回。用整料开挖宽度为20 cm,深度为25 cm的土壤样品,然后从中分离出根样品。这种反向铲辅助的整体法最多需要五分钟才能从一棵植物中收集根样品。使用这种方法,我们使用根图像分析软件量化了三个稻系的根系特征,据报道它们形成了不同类型的根系,例如浅根,中根和深根。通过该方法获得的数据显示出与以前报道的趋势相同的趋势,清楚地表明该方法可用于定量评估土壤中的根。



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