
‘Bobo-Newton syndrome’: An unwanted gift from man’s best friend




Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a facultative Gram-negative bacillus that is typically a constituent of the oral flora of dogs and cats. It was first isolated by Bobo and Newton in 1976 from a man presenting with meningitis following a dog bite. Transmission to humans follows various animal-related injuries, which may be gross or subtle. C canimorsus can cause a spectrum of syndromes ranging from skin and soft tissue infection to invasive disease such as meningitis or endocarditis. The present article reports a case of C canimorsus meningitis in a patient with the classic risk factor of alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Clinical suspicion was confirmed by culture and genetic identification of the blood isolate. The present article reviews the Capnocytophaga genus, the clinical syndromes most commonly associated with this zoonotic organism, its laboratory identification and treatment.
机译:Capnocytophaga canimorsus是兼性的革兰氏阴性杆菌,通常是狗和猫的口腔菌群的组成部分。它最早是由Bobo和Newton于1976年从一名被狗咬伤后出现脑膜炎的男子身上分离出来的。传染给人类的是各种与动物有关的伤害,这些伤害可能是严重的或微妙的。 C canimorsus会引起一系列综合症,从皮肤和软组织感染到侵袭性疾病(如脑膜炎或心内膜炎)。本文报道了患有酒精性肝硬化的典型危险因素的C. canimorsus脑膜炎病例。通过血液分离物的培养和遗传鉴定证实了临床怀疑。本文概述了Capnocytophaga属,与这种人畜共患病的生物最常见的临床综合征,其实验室鉴定和治疗。



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