class='kwd-title'>Keywords: Myocarditis, Left ve'/> Functional Changes in Acute Eosinophilic Myocarditis Due to Chemotherapy With Ibrutinib
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>CASE : Cardiovascular Imaging Case Reports >Functional Changes in Acute Eosinophilic Myocarditis Due to Chemotherapy With Ibrutinib

Functional Changes in Acute Eosinophilic Myocarditis Due to Chemotherapy With Ibrutinib




class="kwd-title">Keywords: Myocarditis, Left ventricular wall thickness, Strain class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionDifferential diagnosis of increased left ventricular (LV) wall thickness includes hypertensive heart disease, aortic valve stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and infiltrative cardiomyopathies such as cardiac amyloidosis (CA), all of them chronic conditions. Differentiating CA from other causes of increased LV wall thickness is important because it often carries a dismal prognosis if not treated. Although other conditions may mimic CA, recent advances in imaging such as myocardial strain, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear imaging have proved very helpful in discriminating CA from other causes of increased LV wall thickness. Nonetheless, despite sensitivities and specificities of findings such as apical sparing in myocardial strain, late gadolinium enhancement, and short inversion time in T1 mapping on cardiac MRI, as well as radiotracer accumulation on nuclear imaging, often a tissue diagnosis is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of CA.As mentioned before, an increase in LV wall thickness is not necessarily due to chronic disease, as acute processes such as ischemia with reperfusion and inflammation can lead to myocardial swelling. Here, we describe a case of acute myocarditis that presented with increased LV wall thickness and demonstrated various imaging features mimicking infiltrative cardiomyopathy.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:心肌炎,左心室壁厚,应变 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title” >简介左心室(LV)壁厚度增加的鉴别诊断包括高血压心脏病,主动脉瓣狭窄,肥厚型心肌病和浸润性心肌病,例如心脏淀粉样变性病(CA),它们都是慢性病。将CA与导致LV壁厚增加的其他原因区分开是很重要的,因为如果不进行治疗,CA往往预后不良。尽管其他条件可能会模仿CA,但在诸如心肌应变,心脏磁共振成像(MRI)和核成像等成像方面的最新进展已被证明有助于将CA与其他导致LV壁厚增加的原因区分开。尽管如此,尽管发现的结果具有敏感性和特异性,例如心肌应变的根尖保留,late的晚期增强,心脏MRI的T1定位中反演时间短以及核成像中放射性示踪剂的积累,通常仍需进行组织诊断以确诊如前所述,LV壁厚的增加不一定是由于慢性疾病引起的,因为急性过程(例如缺血再灌注和炎症)可能会导致心肌肿胀。在这里,我们描述了一个急性心肌炎的病例,该病例表现为LV壁厚增加,并表现出模仿浸润性心肌病的各种影像学特征。



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