class='kwd-title'>Keywords: Total anomalous pulm'/> Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return with No Connection
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>CASE : Cardiovascular Imaging Case Reports >Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return with No Connection

Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return with No Connection




class="kwd-title">Keywords: Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, Pulmonary vein atresia, Echocardiography class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionTotal anomalous pulmonary venous return with no connection, also known as common pulmonary vein atresia, presents immediately after birth in the neonate with severe, life-threatening cyanosis. Echocardiography is helpful in diagnosing specific characteristics of this disease after birth. Patients with this disease are often in respiratory failure and are frequently placed on high-frequency oscillator ventilation. Moreover, this diagnosis can mimic pulmonary hypertension of the newborn and lead to a management strategy that would be ineffective. Because of limited acoustic windows, other imaging modalities may be required to confirm the diagnosis. Management options for total anomalous pulmonary venous return with no connection are quite limited because there is significant damage to the pulmonary vascular bed, and the cyanosis is often irreversible despite ventilation strategies. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation can support the circulation for a limited period of time, but often surgery to connect the pulmonary venous confluence to the left atrium is unsuccessful and does not reverse the lung disease. For these reasons, the majority of patients with this rare disorder succumb to this disease. This case report highlights the features of this congenital heart defect seen on echocardiography and also describes the limitations and potential need for other imaging modalities in the diagnosis and management of these patients.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:总异常肺静脉连接,肺静脉闭锁,超声心动图 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =完全不相关的肺静脉回流异常,也称为普通肺静脉闭锁,在新生儿出生后立即出现严重的威胁生命的紫osis。超声心动图有助于诊断出生后该疾病的具体特征。患有这种疾病的患者经常出现呼吸衰竭,并经常进行高频振荡器通气。而且,这种诊断可以模仿新生儿的肺动脉高压,并导致无效的治疗策略。由于有限的声学窗口,可能需要其他成像方式来确认诊断。没有连接的完全异常的肺静脉回流的治疗方案非常有限,因为对肺血管床有重大损害,尽管采取通气策略,但紫osis常常是不可逆的。体外膜氧合可以在有限的时间内支持血液循环,但是通常无法通过手术将肺静脉汇合连接至左心房,并且不能逆转肺部疾病。由于这些原因,大多数患有这种罕见疾病的患者都死于这种疾病。该病例报告突出了在超声心动图上发现的先天性心脏缺陷的特征,还描述了在诊断和管理这些患者时其他成像方式的局限性和潜在需求。



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