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Endoscopic Palliation for Biliary and Pancreatic Malignancies: Recent Advances




Malignancies of the pancreatobiliary system are usually unresectable at the time of diagnosis. As a consequence, a majority of these cases are candidates for palliative care. With advances in chemotherapeutic agents and multidisciplinary care, the survival rate in pancreatobiliary malignancies has improved. Therefore, there is a need to provide an effective and long-lasting palliative care for these patients. Endoscopic palliation is preferred to surgery as the former is associated with equal efficacy and reduced morbidity. The main role of endoscopic palliation in the vast majority of pancreatobiliary malignancies includes biliary and enteral stenting for malignant obstructive jaundice and gastric outlet obstruction, respectively. Recent advances in endoscopic palliation appear promising in imparting long-lasting relief of symptoms. Use of radiofrequency ablation and photodynamic therapy in malignant biliary obstruction has been shown to improve the survival rates as well as the patency of biliary stents. The emergence of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) as a therapeutic tool has enhanced the capability of minimally invasive palliation in pancreatobiliary cancers. EUS is a valuable alternative to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for the palliation of obstructive jaundice. More recently, EUS is emerging as an effective primary modality for biliary and gastric bypass.
机译:诊断时通常无法切除胰腺胆系统的恶性肿瘤。结果,这些病例中的大多数是姑息治疗的候选者。随着化学治疗剂和多学科护理的进步,胰腺胆道恶性肿瘤的存活率提高了。因此,需要为这些患者提供有效且持久的姑息治疗。内镜下姑息术比手术更可取,因为前者具有同等的疗效并降低了发病率。内镜缓解在绝大多数胰腺胆道恶性肿瘤中的主要作用分别包括胆道和肠内支架,分别用于恶性阻塞性黄疸和胃出口阻塞。内窥镜减轻术的最新进展在赋予患者持久的症状方面似乎很有希望。射频消融和光动力疗法在恶性胆道梗阻中的应用已显示可提高生存率以及胆道支架的通畅性。内镜超声(EUS)作为治疗工具的出现增强了胰腺胆管癌微创缓解的能力。 EUS是内镜逆行胰胆管造影术的一种有价值的替代品,可减轻阻塞性黄疸。最近,EUS逐渐成为一种有效的胆道和胃旁路手术的主要手段。



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