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Scabies masquerading as bullous pemphigoid: scabies surrepticius




Scabies, a parasitic infestation caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, is diagnosed by observing either the mite, its ova, or its excrement. The mite tracts, known as burrows and a characteristic presentation of the pruritic condition, are typically found on the web spaces between the fingers. Other cutaneous lesions include excoriated papules, pustules, and vesicles. However, atypical clinical variants of scabies, such as bullous, crusted, hidden, incognito, nodular, and scalp forms of the parasitic infestation, mimic the morphologic features of other non-parasitic dermatoses. A 76-year-old man presented with pruritic blisters and urticarial plaques that demonstrated not only pathology changes, but direct immunofluorescence also showed findings of bullous pemphigoid. His condition improved, but did not resolve, with topical corticosteroid cream for the management of the primary autoimmune blistering disorder. When other family members subsequently developed scabies, the correct diagnosis for his condition, bullous scabies, was established by demonstrating mites, ova, and scybala on a mineral oil preparation from a skin scraping of a newly appearing burrow. Bullous scabies can masquerade not only clinically, but also both pathologically and immunologically as bullous pemphigoid. Scabies serrupticius is introduced as a unifying term to designate all of the non-classic presentations of S. scabiei mite infestation.
机译:ab螨是由螨螨Sarcoptes scabiei引起的寄生虫侵袭,可通过观察螨螨,其卵或其排泄物来诊断。通常在手指之间的网状空间中发现螨虫道,称为洞穴和瘙痒病的特征性表现。其他皮肤损伤包括毛发性丘疹,脓疱和囊泡。但是,sc疮的非典型临床变种,如寄生虫侵染的大疱,结cru,隐藏,隐身,结节状和头皮形式,模仿了其他非寄生虫性皮肤病的形态特征。一名76岁的男子表现为瘙痒性水疱和荨麻疹斑块,不仅表现出病理改变,而且直接免疫荧光还显示出大疱性类天疱疮的发现。用局部皮质类固醇乳膏治疗原发性自身免疫性水疱性疾病的病情有所改善,但没有解决。当其他家庭成员随后患上ab疮时,通过在新出现的穴居人皮肤上刮ing的矿物油制剂上演示螨虫,卵子和镰刀菌,可以确定其状况的正确诊断大疱ous疮。大疱性ab疮不仅可以在临床上伪装,而且可以在病理学和免疫学上像大疱性天疱疮一样伪装。引入Sc疮ab是统一的术语,用来指定sc疮螨的所有非经典表现。



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