首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical and Experimental Immunology >Colony formation by subpopulations of human T lymphocytes. I. Effects of phytohaemagglutinin and lymphocytosis-promoting factor from Bordetella pertussis

Colony formation by subpopulations of human T lymphocytes. I. Effects of phytohaemagglutinin and lymphocytosis-promoting factor from Bordetella pertussis




A method is described for the growth in semi-solid agar medium of human lymphocyte colonies in response to stimulation by lymphocytosis-promoting factor (LPF) derived from Bordetella pertussis.Colony formation was dependent on (a) a liquid pre-culture step with LPF prior to agar seeding, (b) presence of LPF in the agar medium, (c) a cell density in the agar culture of more than 5000 cells per ml.Optimal colony formation was obtained with 30 μl LPF preparation in the liquid pre-culture step and 20 μl LPF preparation in the agar medium. Moreover, colony development improved after addition of 5 × 10−5M 2-mercaptoethanol and 0·6% human AB serum. The frequency of LPF-induced T-lymphocyte colonies in ten normal adult donors was 5450±1800 per 106 mononuclear blood cells. In comparison, the frequency of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-induced colonies was 20,000±2500 per 106 mononuclear cells plated directly in the agar medium. Lymphocytes seeded in agar medium with LPF started to divide within 2–3 days of culture and formed colonies of 30 to 200 cells on day 7 of culture. Cultures became moribund at day 8. The colony cells were negative for surface immunoglobulin and approximately 75% formed rosettes with sheep red blood cells (SRBC). No synergistic effect between LPF and PHA on colony formation was observed when PHA and LPF were used in the first and second step of culture respectively. Similarly, addition of LPF did not influence the growth of PHA-induced colonies.When mononuclear cells were depleted of monocytes prior to agar culture addition of supernate factor(s) from cultures of adherent blood mononuclear cells (AC-CM) was necessary to ensure optimal development of colonies.Mononuclear cells were separated by various rosette-depletion techniques. Colony-forming cells were recovered in the sheep red blood cell-rosetting fraction (E-RFC) of human blood lymphocytes indicating that these precursor cells are themselves T lymphocytes. E-RFCs were separated into Fc(γ)-receptor-positive and negative subpopulations. The frequency of colony-forming cells in the Fc(γ)-receptor-negative T-lymphocyte population was two to ten times higher than that of the Fc(γ)-positive T-cell population. Co-culture of equal numbers of Fc-positive and Fc-negative T lymphocytes reduced the frequency of T colonies by 20 to 95%.Mononuclear cells were separated by passage through Ig-anti-Ig-coated columns. Attempts to grow LPF-stimulated colonies from passaged lymphocytes failed, suggesting that the colony-forming cells or cells necessary for colony formation were trapped in the column. In contrast, PHA-induced colony formation was enriched in cells which had passed through Ig-anti-Ig-coated columns.
机译:描述了一种在百日咳博德特氏菌衍生的淋巴细胞增多促进因子(LPF)刺激下人淋巴细胞集落在半固态琼脂培养基中生长的方法。菌落的形成取决于(a)使用LPF的液体预培养步骤在琼脂接种之前,(b)琼脂培养基中存在LPF,(c)琼脂培养物中的细胞密度超过每毫升5000个细胞。在液体预培养物中用30μlLPF制剂获得最佳菌落形成步骤和在琼脂培养基中制备20μlLPF。此外,加入5×10 -5 M 2-巯基乙醇和0·6%的人AB血清后,菌落发育得到改善。 10名正常成人供者的LPF诱导的T淋巴细胞集落频率为每10 6 个单核血细胞5450±1800。相比之下,植物血凝素(PHA)诱导的菌落的频率为直接接种在琼脂培养基中的10 6 单核细胞20,000±2500。在含有LPF的琼脂培养基中接种的淋巴细胞在培养的2-3天内开始分裂,并在培养的第7天形成30至200个细胞的菌落。在第8天,培养物濒死。集落细胞表面免疫球蛋白阴性,约75%的玫瑰花结与绵羊红细胞(SRBC)形成。当分别在培养的第一和第二步中使用PHA和LPF时,未观察到LPF和PHA对菌落形成的协同作用。同样,添加LPF不会影响PHA诱导的菌落的生长。琼脂培养前单核细胞被耗尽后,必须从粘附的血液单核细胞(AC-CM)培养中添加上清因子通过各种花环耗竭技术分离单核细胞。在人血淋巴细胞的绵羊红细胞定殖部分(E-RFC)中回收了集落形成细胞,表明这些前体细胞本身就是T淋巴细胞。 E-RFCs分为Fc(γ)-受体阳性和阴性亚群。 Fc(γ)受体阴性T淋巴细胞群中集落形成细胞的频率比Fc(γ)阳性T细胞群的频率高2至十倍。共培养相等数量的Fc阳性和Fc阴性T淋巴细胞可将T集落的频率降低20%至95%。单核细胞通过通过Ig-Ig-Ig包被的柱分离。从传代的淋巴细胞培养LPF刺激的菌落的尝试失败了,这表明菌落形成细胞或菌落形成所必需的细胞被困在柱子中。相反,PHA诱导的集落形成富集了通过Ig-抗Ig包被的柱的细胞。



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