首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Current Urology >Ureteroscopy Assisted Retrograde Nephrostomy for Complete Staghorn Renal Calculi

Ureteroscopy Assisted Retrograde Nephrostomy for Complete Staghorn Renal Calculi




Complete staghorn calculi are typically managed with percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). However, dilating nephrostomy and inserting a nephro access sheath can be difficult to perform without hydronephrosis. We reported the procedure of ureteroscopy-assisted retrograde nephrostomy (UARN) during PCNL. UARN is effective without dilating the renal collecting system in cases of complete staghorn calculi. A 63-year old female with a left complete staghorn renal calculus was referred to our hospital. Under general and epidural anesthesia, the patient was placed in a modified-Valdivia position. A flexible ureteroscope was inserted and a Lawson retrograde nephrostomy puncture wire was advanced into the flexible ureteroscope. The puncture wire was forwarded along the route from the renal pelvis to the exit skin. Calculus fragmentation was done using a pneumatic lithotripter and the Ho: YAG laser. UARN during PCNL was effective for the treatment of a complete staghorn calculus.
机译:完全的鹿角结石通常通过经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)进行处理。然而,如果不进行肾积水,则难以进行扩张肾造口术并插入肾进入鞘。我们报道了PCNL期间输尿管镜辅助逆行肾造口术(UARN)的过程。在完全鹿角结石的情况下,UARN是有效的,无需扩张肾脏收集系统。一名63岁女性,左侧完全鹿角形肾结石,被转诊至我院。在全身和硬膜外麻醉下,将患者置于改良的瓦尔迪维亚位置。插入柔性输尿管镜,并将Lawson逆行肾造口术穿刺线插入柔性输尿管镜。穿刺线沿着从肾盂到出口皮肤的路径前进。使用气动碎石机和Ho:YAG激光进行微积分碎裂。 PCNL期间的UARN可有效治疗完整的鹿角结石。



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