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Data on fatty acid profiles of green Spanish-style Gordal table olives studied by compositional analysis




This article contains processed data related to the research published in “Tentative application of compositional data analysis to fatty acid profiles of green Spanish-style Gordal table olives” () . It provides information on the implementation of compositional data analysis (CoDa) to the fatty acid profiles of Spanish-style Gordal table olives vs the use of conventional statistical analysis (data composition expressed in percentages). Particularly, it includes: i) the matrix of the sequential binary partition used for the balance estimation and the isometric log-ratio transformation (ilr) of the fatty acid profiles, ii) correlation among the diverse fatty acids expressed in percentages and their significances, iii) the ilr transformed values (coordinates in the Euclidean space) obtained following the sequential binary partition previously detailed, iv) the graphical presentation in the Simplex (ternary centred plot) of the treatments as a function of the four fatty acids with the higher log-ratio variances, and v) segregation of treatments based on Cluster Analysis.
机译:本文包含与“将成分数据分析初步应用到西班牙绿色西班牙产Gordal食用橄榄的脂肪酸谱中的初步应用”()上的研究相关的处理后数据。它提供了有关对西班牙式Gordal食用橄榄的脂肪酸组成进行成分数据分析(CoDa)以及与使用常规统计分析(以百分比表示的数据组成)相比的信息。特别地,它包括:i)用于脂肪酸分布的平衡估计和等距对数比转换(ilr)的顺序二元分区矩阵,ii)以百分比及其意义表示的各种脂肪酸之间的相关性, iii)根据先前详细描述的顺序二元划分获得的ilr转换值(欧几里得空间中的坐标),iv)处理的单纯形(三元中心图)的图形表示,是四种脂肪酸的函数,具有较高的对数-比率差异,以及v)基于聚类分析的治疗隔离。



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