首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Wrist Surgery >The Effect of Scaphoid Fracture Site on Scaphoid Instability Patterns

The Effect of Scaphoid Fracture Site on Scaphoid Instability Patterns




>Background Scaphoid fractures are common carpal fractures that are often misdiagnosed as wrist sprains and may go on to nonunion. The location of the fracture site may influence the stability of scaphoid nonunions. >Purpose To determine whether the stability of a scaphoid nonunion depends upon the fracture's location, we tested the hypothesis that a simulated fracture distal to the apex of the scaphoid dorsal ridge will have greater interfragmentary motion than proximal. >Methods Eleven cadaver wrists were moved through three wrist motions using a wrist simulator. In six wrists, a fracture was created distal to the scaphoid apex, and in five a fracture was created proximal to the apex. Sensors attached to the distal and proximal parts of each scaphoid measured the interfragmentary motion during wrist motion. >Results In those wrists in which the scaphoid was sectioned distal to the apex, the distal fragment became significantly more unstable relative to the proximal fragment. It flexed, ulnarly deviated, and pronated. These motion changes were less when the scaphoid was sectioned proximally. >Discussion Scaphoid fractures distal to the scaphoid apex will have greater interfragmentary motion. The mobility of the fragments at the fracture site is possibly a more important contributory factor of nonunion in scaphoid waist fractures than for proximal scaphoid fractures. >Clinical Relevance Understanding the effect that the location of a scaphoid fracture has on the potential for nonunion may influence the modalities of treatment and follow-up.
机译:>背景舟状骨骨折是常见的腕骨骨折,通常会被误诊为腕部扭伤,并可能导致骨不连贯。骨折部位的位置可能会影响舟骨骨不连的稳定性。 >目的为了确定舟骨骨不连的稳定性是否取决于骨折的位置,我们测试了以下假设:假骨舟背脊顶点远侧的模拟骨折比股骨近端具有更大的碎片间运动。 >方法使用腕部模拟器通过三个腕部动作来移动11个尸体腕部。在六个腕部中,在舟骨尖远端产生了骨折,而在五个腕部中,产生了靠近顶点的骨折。连接到每个舟骨远端和近端部分的传感器在腕部运动期间测量了节间运动。 >结果在腕骨中,将舟骨切开到远端,相对于近端骨折,远端骨折变得更加不稳定。它弯曲,尺偏偏,并钉死。当舟骨向近侧切开时,这些运动变化较小。 >讨论舟状骨顶点远侧的舟状骨骨折会产生较大的股间运动。与舟骨近端骨折相比,舟骨腰部骨折中骨折块的活动性可能是造成骨不连的重要因素。 >临床意义了解舟骨骨折的位置对骨不连的潜在影响可能会影响治疗和随访方式。



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